Post an open statement to your old or current congregation

by Billzfan23 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billzfan23

    Dear Congo,

    It's me again. I was DF'ed for apostasy (brother-in-law caught me on this web site in March of 2007) and since my judicial committee in April of 2007 and subsequent divorce in October of 2007 I never looked back. 3 years later, my son (12 years old) is completely out (has only attended the memorial since leaving), and my daughter (10) is fading as best she can. Ex-wife is still a loyal dub, remarried to a loyal dub. I have found that the grass is much greener outside of the suffocating confines of the organization that I loyally served as a publicser/servant/elder for over a 13 years. It's great to be out, great to be free - and I hope that someday all of you find the inner strength to do the same.

    Your old friend,


  • Brocephus

    How did she get remarried if you are still alive?

  • WingCommander

    Dear Yorkanna & Red Lion Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses of central Pennsylvania (USA) :

    You all are completely useless. My entire family died one at a time, and your advice was to go out in the field ministry more often and attend more meetings, like that is some kind of cure-all for the lonely and heartbroken. Kind of hard to do when your loved ones are dying and need attention, aye? You did NOTHING for me, offered me nothing, gave no physical assistance to me, yet my so-called "worldly" co-workers, friends, and even neighbours prayed and brought food to my home. I grew up around alot of you, (as well as the old Columbia Congregation) as well as going to school with your children. I have a newsflash for you: I was the good son, the one who believed everything and tried to live my life well, all the while your own children (of my age) were living a double life, and were far worse acting then my "worldly" school mates!!! If only you knew HALF the dirt I know about your kids, you'd be shaken to your core. Then again, maybe you are all in denial and don't want to know. About 4 witnesses showed up to my families funerals (they were all in good standing), yet when super-Elder Business owner had his tragic accident (members of this congregation will know who I mean) there were something like 1,000 people in attendance in 2-3 Halls!!!! He was a nice guy, but only when others were around. I called this "fine shepahrd" while in another state with my dying parent, asking for some time, some spiritual help, and a visit. His response? He gave me the name of the nearest Kingdom Hall in the area and told ME to contact them. **Click**. I was left in shock at his cold-heartedness - my jaw was literally hanging after that phone call. Meanwhile, my parent's "Worldly" co-workers took off work, drove down 5 hours in a rented car to visit us and share memories with us a few days before they died, as well as offering me genuine remorse and help. My, what a fine WITNESS you all truly are!! Completely and utterly USELESS is more like it! Then, to add insult to injury, when this blowhard of an Elder tragically dies later, I'm sitting at the funeral service for him and having to listen about all of the things he liked to do growing up that I was expressly forbidden to do in high school! The hypocrisy was astounding, and the sickening WT infomercial made many of the non-witnesses sick, as they expressed to me later!! Another "fine witness" for this twisted religion if I ever saw one!!

    Oh, oh, and Joshua Royce! What another fine "Witness for the Truth" he was!! Is he reinstated yet? He was Valedictorian of the 1997 graduating class, then got turned in and arrested for inappropriate sexual contact with underage childen of a woman he was dating. Sick!! Bet his holier-than-thou mother tried to brush that under the carpet quick huh? Good thing the police don't do such things. How about Brother Schumaker from Red Lion, you know...the dog catcher. Is he out of jail yet from his pedophilia sentance? Maybe he's an MS again?

    How many are in your congregations again? Last couple of times I stuck my head in it was dwindling, and hardly anyone in their 20's was there at all, the place was 3/4's empty on a Sunday! What a freakin joke.

    "By their fruits you shall know will know MY disciples by the love they show and have for one another."

    I always think of these passages from the Bible when I recall the treatment my family and myself receieved from these useless, hypocritical Pharisees.

    The fruits you bear are rotten to the core, and the fake love you tout at every meeting is transparent to everyone around you with a brain, why else do you think people are leaving, especially the younger generation and those with a brain?

    Not many other people on here may admit to the congregations they attended, but I will. I hope someone from WT Headquarters or better yet, an actual congregation member will read my words. FYI: I am NOT a DA'd or DF'd individual..... I just never got baptized.

    - Wing Commander

  • Billzfan23


    She had me call my old presiding overseer about 3 months after we separated and I told him that she had grounds. I wasn't going to stop her from being with a new brother just because I was DF'ed.

  • Heaven

    To any and all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses,

    Once our Father dies, there will be no one left in my immediate family who is a Jehovah's Witness. My goal is to ensure that future generations of our family understand exactly what it is like to be a Jehovah's Witness. Your legacy dies when he dies.


  • Quirky1

    Congrats Billzfan!! Freedom does feel good!! Although I'm free of the WT for two years now I am still bound by a certain weight.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    To a congregation in the Eastern USA,

    Thank you for abandoning me out of your miserable, no love congregation. You did me a favor and freed me!

  • Billzfan23


    Do you still have family that is in? I don't really have any that are left. I have 2 sisters that attend the memorial once in a while, and a mother whom I don't communicate with. The rest of my family is out and happier for it. I know what you mean about a certain weight, it takes a long time after to stop measuring yourself against the basis of what you thought was the way of life for you as a witness. There is definitely a weight, no question about that. Dubs would say it's because of abandoning a "Bible trained conscience" - but those who see things outside of their mock theocracy know it's a weight that is overwhelming simply because of so many dramatic changes in a short amount of time. I should have been a "fader" in hindsight - but repidly cutting ties works too...the key is to get the heck out as soon as you can - and I'm glad you and others have :)

  • Billzfan23

    rapidly not repidly...simpleton that I am!

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    I should have been a "fader" in hindsight -

    Thanks for sharing your voice of experience.

    Good to hear from you again. What have you filled the Watchtower hole in your life with?

    Just curious.

    All the best to you and yours,


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