"Worlds Apart" On SUNDANCE Channel in two hours!!!

by ziddina 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Drat, we don't have that channel, that's a more expensive package than what we already have for DirectTV. We just got a package just above "basic" is all we can afford.

    I don't suppose someone can record it and t*o*r*r*e*n*t it?


  • BabaYaga

    Yeah, I missed it, too, or at least most of it. Did see the last few minutes. What I did see was very good indeed. It looked like it was based on a true story, but then... it is based on many true stories, is it not?

    JustWantTruth: Regarding the beard, this was discussed when the movie trailer was first released... apparently they are more lenient with facial hair in Denmark (where the film was made.)

  • FireNBandits

    I once had a crush on a TV preacher, but then his head came apart.



    Saint Martin the Rassler

  • InquiryMan

    Beards are acceptable, even for elders at district convention level (giving talks) in Denmark.

    Also, at the international assembly in Copenhagen, some conventioners did hold up placards so that was not exagerrated either...

  • vivalavida

    I moved to Germany from Latin America about 7 years ago and remember the shock I had the first time I saw a full bearded elder conducting the Watchtower study. Yes, europeans have a much better attitude to beards.

    I also know for a fact, from a very good friend in Sweden, who recently faded, that beards are absolutely a non-issue over there, as long as they looked groomed and clean.


  • teel

    Yiz: someone did it already... I'd suggest a buy instead, but alas sometimes that's not an option.

  • JustWantTruth

    Ziddina: Yes I believe that is standard time.

    BabaYaga, InquiryMan, Vivalavida: I find this is shocking but quite interesting indeed. I wonder if JWs from like the United Sates would be stumbled if they visited Europe and saw bearded elders. It is not entirely surprising though. I live in the East coast but I have friends in Southern California and the way they do things out there is vastly different than here. Beards are still pretty much a no no. But I am talking about Elders openly listening to rap music and active sisters wearing hootchie/club dresses to the memorial different. I just think that that if you grow up in one place thinking you absolutely have to do things a certain way, that these are Jehovah's standards and the only way to be pleasing to him, then you go to another part of the country or world and see the total opposite, how can one not see how much of a joke the whole thing is. That most of their randomly applied rules are just not biblical at all and have nothing to do with God.

  • blondie
  • Dagney


    Well, I finally watched this. I've been meaning to for awhile...wow, a far too familiar struggle for me. Having the boyfriend come to the convention, meeting the family and friends...ugh.

    Hope many see this...

  • ziddina

    Bumping this thread 'cause "Worlds Apart" ("Tu Verdener" in Danish...) is coming on the Sundance Cable TV channel in about an hour and a half...

    Just in case anyone wants to catch it again, or hasn't seen it before...

    It repeats again on the same channel in about five hours - check your local cable TV listings...


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