DESTROYING the Individual: the goal of Watchtower Authority

by Terry 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    The Governing Body wants to DISABLE individuality.

    Individuality is evidenced by self-expression.

    No expression of self.

    Personal desire leads to expression of personal desire.

    If you are under Group Control you are not a PERSON.

    You are a drone ( a "slave".)

    Personhood is de facto rebellion from Group Control.

    A soldier who gets a bad sunburn, for example, can be court-martialed for destruction of Government Property!

    A cult member is Governing Body property.

    Remember pre-Enlightenment when Women were PROPERTY? (Chattel)

    They were not allowed to own property or enter into contracts or inherit.

    The same is true Post-Enlightenment in cults. Not just women. A heirarchy of self-less-ness is enforced on a sliding scale.

    Cult members are Property who are non-persons and non-individuals with disabled self-expression which includes DESIREs of a PERSONAL nature.

    The best tool used by religion to control HUMAN DESIRE is attaching


    Interposing a TABOO between a person AND personal desire inhibits self-expression and destroys the individual by undermining WILL.

    The Watchtower maintains Catholic Church ownership executive power structure control over its membership.

    IF the Church (Governing Body) does not bless your efforts on their behalf you are automatically consigned to a position of danger (i.e. liability to punishment).

    There exists in such an Authority Structure only three possible stats you can achieve.

    1.Compliant usefulness in carrying out assigned missions. (slave status)

    2.Danger/Threat (under suspicion of free will acts of self-expression)

    3. Enemy (Heretic, Apostate, Evil Slave who must be denied, decried, destroyed and labelled for others to avoid and abuse.)

    In summary: Where there is NO SELF there can be no SELF-EXPRESSION.

    1.Growing a mustache or beard


    3.Sexual preferences

    4.Volunteer work



    7.Elective life-saving measures

    8.Further in-depth research of an "inclusive" nature



    All the above are THOUGHT crimes because they are demonstrative of an INDIVIDUAL expressing a SELF.

  • Heaven

    Where there is NO SELF .... there is no real life, no joy of spirit, no creativity. I have seen this first-hand in my family. It saddens my heart greatly.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I was born in, and a true beliver until my 30's.

    Shortly after leaving I took a Myers Briggs personality test for the first time in my life.

    It was horrible, I could not answer any of the questions, I didn't have any answers, I didn't know what I liked and didn't like. I didn't know what my strengths and weakness were. I knew nothing about myself as an individual.

    I had never been an individual, I had always been a JW.

    It was like trying to take the test for a stranger.

  • Terry

    It just blinked into my head!

    The Watchtower Society fosters the creation of SOCIOPATHS!

    What a stunning thought. I don't mean serial killers. I mean people who have no empathy for others because they

    have no empathy for self. It makes a JW capable of feeling nothing for "goats" when they suffer calamity.

    It makes a JW eager for the destruction of all the human race except for Governing Body approved survivors.


    Aggressive narcissism
    1. Glibness/superficial charm
    2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
    3. Pathological lying
    4. Cunning/manipulative
    5. Lack of remorse or guilt
    6. Emotionally shallow
    7. Callous/lack of empathy
    8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
  • zoiks
    The Watchtower Society fosters the creation of SOCIOPATHS

    Terry, I agree completely. I started a thread to this effect a while back, though I hadn't had time to process and state it as elegantly and easily understandable as you do. It's here if you care to read:

    Upon re-reading, I was going at if from a different angle. Still, your assessment of the creation of sociopaths is stunningly accurate, in my opinion.

  • Heaven

    The Watchtower Society fosters the creation of SOCIOPATHS!

    I have often wondered why there aren't laws governing groups that do things like this. If it could be presented to law makers regarding the negative effects these groups have on peoples' lives, perhaps something could be done. Legal recourse could be taken and maybe they wouldn't be allowed to operate. Or they would at least have to change.

  • Terry

    Thanks Zoiks. Good thread.

  • Gordy

    It just blinked into my head!

    The Watchtower Society fosters the creation of SOCIOPATHS!

    What a stunning thought. I don't mean serial killers. I mean people who have no empathy for others because they

    have no empathy for self. It makes a JW capable of feeling nothing for "goats" when they suffer calamity.


    Exactly same thought I had after reading your first posting.

    It was this that gave me the greatest difillculty after leaving the JWs. To be able to relate to others.
    There was a still a sort of "them and us" attitude.
    A JW is instilled with the idea also those "in the world" cannot be trusted.
    So when a JW leaves they have to cope with not being able to deal with people socially,
    but also with the fear that they are out to get them in some way.

    Even now after being out ten years, after 30 years as aJW, I still have some difficulty dealing with people, and I'm 59yrs old!!

    Fortunately I have been around people who have helped me. Also that some of my family came out with me.

  • LongHairGal


    I couldn't agree more with your post. I always felt this at first subconsciously and then later consciously that this religion wanted to destroy the individual. This is why it was hopeless for me. Even if it was truth I would never accept this bill of goods.

    This is why I want nothing to do with religion anymore.

  • passwordprotected

    Terry, have a lie down mate.

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