When do you know you are a JW apostate?

by dissed 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You know you are a JW apostate when.........

    The spirit bears witness with your spirit.

  • nofear

    You know you are a JW apostate when...

    You can read the book Crisis Of Conscience without having a crisis of conscience.

  • yknot

    You know you are a JW apostate when....

    You can quote the "Flock Book" verbatim even though you have never had the 'privilege' of serving as an Elder.

    You know you are a JW apostate when.....

    You can offer a timeline of development of JW interpretations by presidential reign and WT/GA quotes!

    You know you are a JW apostate when .....

    Your digital library reading is mostly WTS items prior to 1960!

  • nugget

    When an elders wife calls to find out how you are doing and her husband listens into the call.

    All of a sudden the line starts to go all echoy and I can hear what I am saying a split second after I said it . The spooky thing is he calls the following day to talk to hubby and mentions something I said on the call.

  • LittleSister

    I would call that a Mickey Mouse operation, but they aren't even Betty Boop.

  • cantleave

    You know you are an apostate when........a dog called mutley makes you think of an outlaw!

  • nugget

    When you threaten the children with a meeting and their response is "yeah right".

  • dissed

    You know you are a JW apostate when.......

    You punish your kids by making them read the WT......oh wait, that's what JW parents do to their kids when they are bad.

  • Quillsky

    You know you may be an ex-JW but NOT a JW apostate when.......

    Someone says "You were in a cult", and you respond (or think) "No, no, it's not really a cult".

    You know you ARE a JW apostate when.......

    You can say "I was in a cult", and you experience ZERO tug of cognitive dissonance to resolve.

  • dissed

    Quillsky - Clever are we, very clever.

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