Historic Turning Point After Century in Brooklyn, Watchtower Pulls Out of Heights

by Dogpatch 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Watchtower spokesman, Dick Devine... is this him? Has the resurrection begun?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    About the France question, it was my understanding (rumor only, can someone confirm?) that they have managed to keep that tied up in courts and still haven't paid a dime. But they have to be thinking about "what if" for when the day comes that they have to pay up.

    I can't wait until they start getting taxed in the USA.

  • poopsiecakes

    Gayle, I think you're on to something...it's a gold mine waiting to happen!!

  • out4good3

    Just how much much liquor you think they're going to be able to buy on that measley stipend they get a month.

  • blondie

    Of course if they get taxed, that may through out the law in regard to all religions in ths US....not something I see happening in the near future. The WTS would have to be declared not a religion...along with scientology and the moonies....

  • Balsam

    OMG Dissed, that is a great idea, wish we had the money to do it. LOL

  • OnTheWayOut

    The workers won't like the move- NYC had plenty of ways to burn off stress/boredom and a cheap public transit system to get around.

    That might be part of the plan. "Come to Rural Bethel and give us at least a year of your life." They might just want a revolving door of Bethelites.

  • sir82
    Just how much much liquor you think they're going to be able to buy on that measley stipend they get a month.

    Oh you'd be surprised.

    Don't forget the importance of rich JW parents wiring monthly payments to their precious young working in bethel, or local JWs supplying "gas money" to those poor, poor Bethelites, or payments for side jobs, or....

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    did you say they were moving to guyana?

  • Gayle

    Are these properties remaining to sell in Brooklyn?

    25, 30, 124, 107, 129, 161, 165, and 183 Columbia Heights

    105 Willow, 34 Orange and the Bossert on Montague?

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