Historic Turning Point After Century in Brooklyn, Watchtower Pulls Out of Heights

by Dogpatch 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I always wondered why they did so much building and acquiring of property if the end was so close. Of course, they said their buildings would survive the big A. Sounds like it is business as usual.

    All that free labor pays off in the long run.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Yea all these very long term plans for a cult that preaches that every day could be your last

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Compound time?

  • SirNose586

    Good idea, for them. Now they'll be even further away from their neighbors' scrutiny, and subsequently the public eye.

  • hamsterbait

    Wait a minute here!

    Didnt The JUG Rutherford have the appointed GB ousted on grounds of residence?

    Will this make the Gibbering Buddies illegal appointees?

    Maybe this is why they have been readjusting all the departments over the last few years.

    IN France they have already noted the cultic practice of relocating renaming and changing organisational prodedures.


  • zarco

    The WTS has talked about moving out of Brooklyn for years. The primary drivers were/are cash flow. The donation arrangement decreased cash flows significantly and with donations from Japan decreasing at an even faster pace than other donations the WTS has to do something. The WTS has been looking to move upstate even before the Patterson project started. Part of the reluctance to move from Brooklyn was because the older governing body members and wives did not want to move. The sale of the Furman building bought them time.

    As cash flow deficiencies continue, as the older members of the governing body, with deep ties to Brooklyn, are losing their influence through death and aging and with fresh memories of 9-11, it is now time to go.

    The WTS in recent years has become more of a fringe group. Moving out of Brooklyn will further isolate them from society in general. Selling the Brooklyn properties will likely cover the necessary cash flows for a decade or more. A decade from now, when the cash flows are almost completely gone, it will be interesting to see how the desperation will be reflected in changing doctrines.

    A prediction... the WTS will circle the wagons and get even goofier because they will have plenty of funds after the move. They will have a significant amount of enthusiasm generated from the large scale building project. They will think that Jah is blessing them, when in reality this is this last 10 to 15 years of them as a viable well funded religion.


  • Mattieu

    Wouldn’t it be nice if they divided up the profit they make once all the Brooklyn properties are sold and shared it with all past/present bethel volunteers and all those that shared in the construction/renovation work over the years?

    More chance of the Big A happening this year than of the cash cows being generous...


  • nugget

    Wow all that Brooklyn real estate they must be sitting on a fortune, time ti liquidate some assets.

  • dissed

    I have an idea

    Let's all chip in some money and buy the famous 124 Columbia Hts building, the one with the WT on top and turn it into 'Apostate Central'

    Then everyone will think its still them and we could lead many away from the WT.

    Wouldn't it be fun to give our version of 'Bethel Tours' to unsuspecting visitors? I nominate Farkel for tour director.

    Imagine the flashing signs we could post on the building.........

    I get dibbs on the penthouse suite.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    OMG dissed that's inspired!

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