***Surgery was a success***

by babygirl30 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Hooray! So glad to hear from you that all went so well. We've been thinking about you.


  • yknot

    Good to hear about your mom! Mom Rocks!

    Your Sweetheart sounds like a good catch!

    ....maybe increase your ties with Uncles/Aunts!

    Sorry about the pain, hope it heals quickly!

    Hugs of support!

  • Heartbreaker

    Glad to "see" you back, and glad everything went well for you :) It's refreshing to me to see how you can take what your parents give you with humor and looking at it with objectivity. I wish I could do that....maybe with time. Heal fast!

  • shamus100

    i'm very glad that you're doing well.

    Your mom sounds like she's trying to be normal here - normal because she nearly lost her daughter and she would have felt so guilty for the rest of her life. Maybe this has jolted her awake. Obviously, she still has a long ways to go, especially when you tell her that you want nothing to do with jdubbers ever again. That is unless you want to go back, and in that case, knock your socks off.

    Life is good outside the org - people are good.

    I wish you a speedy recovery.

  • VIII

    I am so glad you are OK babygirl!! I hope your recovery goes well and you feel better. Hugs!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sounds like Mom let her true personality break through when it was just the two of you there. Try to forgive her for begging you back. She thinks it's the right thing to do. But her true feelings were that she is happy for you and (bf). Dad was there for you too, but just isn't able to let his cult-thinking take a big enough rest. It's more than some people get from staunch JW's.

    Be happy that you can count on them in a real jam, despite the shunning. I know it's not much but it's the best they will do for now.

    Be glad you have people on your side, telling Dad what he needs to hear. Guilt is WTS's tool, so a bit of guilt on the other side is a good thing.

    I am glad to hear you are doing okay.

  • spawn

    Good to hear all went well with the surgery. Now just relax and take it easy and have a speedy recovery.

    You can't change your family but take your mothers advice "elope, run off to the beach and get married with those closest around you".

  • Glittercake

    Baby Girl: Wishing you a speedy recovery. I read your post with great interest and when I read the part where your mother told you to elope, it broke my heart and I cried for you, your family and especially your mother. She wants you to be happy and yet she can't be a part of your wedding. That's heart breaking and I curse the JW religion. I just can't imagine missing such an important day in my daughter's life for anyone or anything. Be happy and don't go back to the cult.


  • sherah

    Glad you had a successful surgery, wish you a speedy recovery. You handled your mom and dad well especially in your delicate condition. Your bf sounds like a true gem!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Congratulations on successful surgery and prayers for a speedy recovery! I'll be looking for a post with your beach wedding pictures later this summer, right?

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