Favorite catch phrases from movies, the ones you actually use.

by John Doe 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    I'll make ya some eggs.

  • John Doe
  • lepermessiah

    I use these a lot with my family - all in jest of course!

    "Who is your Daddy and what does he do?" - Kindergarten Cop

    "Stop It - Stop Whining!" - Kindergarten Cop

    "Well, I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I am going to ram it into your stomach!" - The Running Man

    "Consider this a divorce" - Total Recall

    "Igor - Can you help me with the Bags?" "Certainly - you take the blonde and Ill take the one in the turban!" - Young Frankenstein

  • chickpea

    from league of their own: its supposed to be hard...
    if it wasnt hard, everyone would do it... the hard is what makes it great

  • undercover

    Lines that I use in conversation (that my wife is probably tired of hearing me imitate):

    "I'm with you fellers" - O Brother Where Art Thou

    "Hand me that choppa" - O Brother... (except I'm asking my wife for knife in the kitchen...not a gun)

    "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means" - Princess Bride

    "Let me explain; no, there's no time, I'll sum up" - Princess Bride

    "I'm gonna get medievel on yo ass" - Pulp Fiction

    "I'm trying Ringo, I'm trying REAL hard" - Pulp Fiction

    "That IS a tasty burger" - Pulp Fiction

    "I got no spit" - Jaws

    Almost every other line from Tombstone, especially Doc Holliday's lines...

    and my favorite:

    "I am a golden god" - Almost Famous

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    their coming to get you barbara and It looks like someone had a barbecue "night of the living dead"

  • Heaven

    1) You've got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk? (Dirty Harry)

    2) Alllllrighty Then! (Ace Ventura Pet Detective)

    3) Go ahead. Make my day. (Dirty Harry)

    4) Runaway! (Monty Python's 'Holy Grail')

    5) Can I 'ass' you a question? (Ace Ventura Pet Detective)

    6) Step into my orifice. (Lethal Weapon 3)

  • Gregor

    "I oughta' belt you in the mouth. But I won't... I won't...the hell I won't!" John Wayne, McClintock

  • Dagney

    "Here's looking at you kid." - Casablanca

    "We'll always have Paris." Casablanca

    "Someone tell a joke." - Moonstruck

    "Isn't fun the best thing to have?" - Arthur

  • Titus

    "If you are stupid, it doesn't mean you are deaf!" (one from my country. That's what I said to Isaac Austin yesterday. )


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