What's your personality type? Myers-Briggs test

by frankiespeakin 190 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DisArmed

    Always fascinating to me. I took a psych class 10 years ago that featured this and other personality assessments. While not an exact science they can be very accurate. Whether or not you want to put much stock in them it's fun to read what your personality type is and if your perception is the same. I was an INFP then, this time an INFJ. Strong I, borderline N, stronger tendency toward F and borderline J.

  • Nobleheart

    I took the test 2 different times and am also a INFJ, which is supposed to be 1-2% of the population.

    Nice to see a few on the forum are also fellow INFJ's. It's a unique personality :)

  • done4good

    Edit to my comment: INTJ is roughly 2% of the US population.


  • warehouse

    DJS wrote:

    Warehouse, your'e onto something. Remember the Star Trek Generation episode where they captured the young Borg, named him Hugh and re-programmed him to send back into the hive? Let's do it!!! Ok, who voluteers?

    I do remember that one. Except they realized he wasn't a borg anymore and decided not to send him back.

    I wish we could do it, but we'd have to have more than one person, and I think they'd have to be in the same cong, or at least circuit, for it to work.

  • warehouse

    DATA-DOG wrote:

    The test is a little subjective. Enviroment can effect your actions and you may spill over into another TYPE.

    I agree completely. I've seen people take these little online tests, and then take the same test on a different day and their results are completely different. The only way to be sure is to take the official Meyer Briggs test which is administered by a trained psychologist, and will usually run you upwards of $150 or so. I wouldn't be surprised if people on here who come back as INTx are really another type, their answers being influenced by personalities or general consensus of this website.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Everytime a thread like this shows up on an online forum, INTJ is a large part of the population. I don't think it's necessarily false data though. I think it's possible the sample is skewed based on how the information is collected (i.e. the fact that it's on an online forum will affect the types of people participating). INTJs may just be more likely to participate in these types of discussions, and in online forums in general.

    INTJs are introverted, and are more likely to get a large part of their social interaction on online forums as opposed to in-person interaction because it allows them to go at their own pace, and be very selective about how they interact.

    INTJs are often somewhat proud of their INTJ status, which means they're more likely to participate in the personality test threads.

    Since INTJs are pretty rare, they may find comfort in reading things from other INTJs (it's nice to know that there are other people that can relate to how you think) which, again, makes them more likely to participate in personality test threads on forums, since that's the surest way to find an INTJ talking about the quirks of being an INTJ.

    INTJs are typically voracious readers/researchers, which leads to them to online forums.

    INTJs often work in technical fields, and are probably more likely to be comfortable with computers, and thus more likely to find their way to online forums.

  • warehouse

    OneEyeJoe wrote:

    they may find comfort in reading things from other INTJs (it's nice to know that there are other people that can relate to how you think) which, again, makes them more likely to participate in personality test threads on forums, since that's the surest way to find an INTJ talking about the quirks of being an INTJ

    Lol, do you even know how the mind of an INTJ works?

    Your logic is not flawed, but it does not describe INTJ behavior. I'll give you a quick look into the core of an INTJ: Thinking or acting based on what another personality type says or thinks is the complete OPPOSITE of what an INTJ is all about. The INTJ will automatically REJECT information that is solely backed by position, steryotype, or lables. The INTJ will ruthlessly question everyone, and everything, even themselves.

    And this is why I said that most who come here and say they are INTJ are likely to be another type, just influenced by others. I see A LOT of parroting what others have said, as well as exploding arguments over facts that are either unverified, or complete hearsay. The INTJ does NOT repeat things without questioning, verifying, and JUDGING the information.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Warehouse - I am an INTJ. I'm with you on everything you said, and I'm not sure where the conflict with what you said and what I said lies.

    Since I only personally know one person who I suspect to be an INTJ (and he's much older, and naturally very quiet) it's sometimes a bit frustrating trying to get people to understand my thought process. Because of that, I often look for INTJs writing about being an INTJ, just to know that I'm not insane because of how I think.

    Reading through a thread like this on another forum is how I came across this gem:


  • warehouse

    OneEyedJoe wrote:

    I'm with you on everything you said, and I'm not sure where the conflict with what you said and what I said lies.

    The conflict is the idea of an INTJ verifying information based on the fact that another person is an INTJ.

    Because of that, I often look for INTJs writing about being an INTJ, just to know that I'm not insane because of how I think.

    I'm thinking you're really an INTP. The reason I say this is because an introverted-judger is able to judge themselves. The introverted-judging aspect is what allows an INTJ to make up their mind, and stick to a plan/idea, even if no one agrees, or can understand. An introverted perciever, on the other hand, is one who explores all options, and thus sometimes cannot come to a conclusion without outside consultation. The introverted perceivers are usually the brilliant savants. The introverted judgers are usually the brilliant strategists.


    I should add, judgers tend to be self-righteous and arrogant, perceivers tend to be disillusioned and paranoid.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Maybe I'm not expressing myself very well. I'm definitely an INTJ. I don't litterally think I might be crazy, it's just nice to be able to relate on a different level with another human. Since INTJs are uncommon, it's rare to run across one in the wild (and rarer to find one that'll start a conversation)

    I would argue your last point, I'm not self-righteous or arrogant. I just come off that way to people because I'm aware of the fact that I'm always right.

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