what is your job ?i was wondering how varied our different jobs are !

by looloo 112 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    I work at a grocery store stocking groceries. I also occasionally put those increasing price tags on the shelves, and tell any witlesses that, if they keep wasting my time hounding me to go to the boasting sessions that I will come out with even higher prices for them.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Question Everything......

    I am a court reporter too!! But back in school working towards my law degree.

  • littlebird

    I'm a barber.

  • mama1119

    I work in the "Family Business" doing marketing, sales, web stuff, etc. But I have three babies, so I mostly work from home. My main job is wife and mommy.

  • cantleave

    Sales and marketing consultant. I specialise in launching new businesses.

  • Twitch

    Manager of the rentals and staging dept of an audio visual company. Lighting, audio, video/data projection, etc. All kinds of toys, flashy lights and machines that go "ping"

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    I work for the french government, take part in writing laws and regulations as regards the farmers' social security scheme

  • dssynergy

    I own a small company that provides communication access for people with disabilities. We hire real time captioners, sign language interpreters, and transcriptionists. I see a few people on here work with people with disabilities. It is rewarding and stimulating work. There is always more to learn!

  • daniel-p

    I'm King of the Universe, but it's mostly administrative bullshit.

  • coffee_black

    Zoiks, you have a pm


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