My children's grandmother tries to keep them from getting their burned home repaired....

by HappyGuy 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyGuy

    I knew that Jehovah's Witnesses were callous and cruel but this just takes it to a new level.

    My children's house was burned in a fire and their idiot mother (my ex wife) did not have insurance on the house.

    Home Depot is trying to help them and has offered to donate materials to repair the house and has asked Habitat for Humanity to get involved to supply the labor.

    The Habitat for Humanity district manager came to my children's house and met the Home Depot district manager and my children.

    After they left my children's grandmother (who lives in the house) told them that if Habitat for Humanity is involved in fixing the house that she will refuse to live there any more because they are involved with Christendom. So, she is putting pressure on my ex wife to leave the house burned and leave my chlidren (her grandchildren) homeless.

    My middle daughter said "well, we will miss you when you leave". My youngest daughter said, "well I guess I won't be seeing you any more because I refuse to live in a burned house when people are offering to help fix it but you and my mother are so stupid and retarded that you won't let them help".

    Please tell me that my ex wife won't be stupid enough to go along with this nonsense. Oh, neither my ex nor her mother has gone to meetings in several years.

    I REALLY hate Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • cameo-d

    Grandma has the right to voice her opinion and take a stand. If the others want the help they have a right to make their choice as well. Grandma can state her reasons, but really, has no right to dictate the decision.

    If this shoe was on my foot and something went against my principles and I felt that strongly about it, I would be willing and be prepared to live on the street. However, I would not drag anyone else with me. It would be a very personal choice. It would be wrong to expect others to sleep on a park bench just because I would choose to. Grandma needs to understand that she will be on her own if she can't adjust her haughty attitude.

    If JWs offered to fix your house that burned down, as much as you say you hate them....would you let them do it? Put the shoe on your foot.

    You also have to consider if there is any ulterior motive or agenda. Are they looking to use you for some advertising mileage to acquire funds? Do they expect you to join their religion? Or are these people offering help simply because they are caring, willing, and able? Is it out of love? What do they expect in return? Some people are naturally givers and they actually feel joyful in helping others.

    Your ex wife has the responsibility of others to consider. If she does not have a proper home, the state will take the kids. Sometimes we need to make concessions when we have others to care for. I think it would be rather arrogant for your ex to turn down the help out of mistaken self-righteousness.

    If she has a similar attitude to grandma, this experience may be what she needs to humble her and make her realize that worldly people often have hearts that are bigger than those "special" JWs. (who aren't coming to her aid, anyway.)

  • asilentone

    (at your ex wife and your children's grandmother)

  • nelly136

    you paid for the house so that your children had a home.

    if your wife is persuaded to leave the house burnt by granny as the deeds are in her name is there anything you can do

    to get her to give the deeds to the children?

  • HappyGuy


    you are just as callous as those sobs the JWs.

    there is no hidden agenda. my children (all girls) were in Home Depot picking up supplies that their friends had donated money to pay for. They were all dirty from the soot and had tool belts on. The person waiting on them asked them what they were doing because it was interesting to see teenage girls obviously involved in a major construction project. Home Depot got involved because they wanted to help. There is no advertising. There is no quid pro quo. Habitat does not discuss religion with the people they help. The volunteers that run the organization are Christains, the volunteers that do the work are from all walks of life.

    The premise you are stating is completely ridiculous.

    The grandmother is trying to force my children (who are not JWs and do not want to be) to adhere to her twisted view of the world and is putting pressure on their mother to refuse help from Habitat. The grandmother is using emotional blackmail saying she will go live on the street and die (she is elderly and not in good health. She has used this emotional blackmail to get her way for over 15 years).

    I dont have to worry about turning down aid from JWs, in the 22 years I was a JW I never saw them help anyone except for hurricane relief and then they trumpeted the fact that they were doing that far and wide, so their motive was not love but publicity.

    And yes, if my house was burned and someone came to fix it I would let them. If it was the JWs (that would NEVER happen, but I will go along with your delusion) I would smile and try to hold back the gag reflex.

    Yes, the grandmother has the right to go live on the street if she chooses, but she does not have the right to interfere with my children's home being repaired and forcing them to join her on the street.

  • WTWizard

    I would go ahead and get it fixed. After all, you are looking at a big company that did not have to donate anything, donating all the materials. You are looking at a worldly organization donating the labor. The children need a place to stay, and it should be up to them to get the house fixed--Home Depot is actually going out of their way to do this, since they are not in business to donate materials (and, if they do and they can advertise it for their business, all the better).

    If their grandmother refuses to stay there on the grounds of "false religion", that's her loss. She does not have to stay there if her conscience does not permit it. However, that is sure going to look fishy on a welfare claim that she was offered this type of assistance and refused it for some stupid religion. And, I doubt the Red Cross (or other charity) is going to look too favorably on anyone that refuses to have the house rebuilt, just because of religion. The children have the right to have it rebuilt, now that the materials and labor are on hand. The grandmother has no right to interfere--just the right to not live there.

    Here is a good challenge. Let the congregation of witlesses start a fund drive to get the grandmother a new house, and let this "evil, worldly, Satanic" crew of big business and big religion rebuild this one. Whoever gets their place up and running first, and in the best condition, wins the showdown. I am willing to bet that the witlesses will do nothing.

  • HappyGuy


    I told my daughters to ask their mother to deed the house to them (in trust) so that they can get it repaired but that would make sense and my ex wife has never done anything in the last 15 years that made any sense so I am sure she won't do that.

  • shamus100

    I have a real problem with Jehovahs Witnesses who are 'no part of the world' relying on Satan to provide for them in they're time of need.

    They don't donate .01 cent to anything, and they deserve nothing but the welfare that they should get in a perfect world.

    Obviously, one would have to be stupid not to happily get help from habitat for humanity, but that's not suprising. Anything to boost theyre low self-esteem and make them seem like they are something when they're not.

    Why does that not suprise me that she did not have insurance? A dub who takes responsibility for their life? Pffft.!

  • SixofNine

    Could we exJW's help out with donating money?

  • MissingLink

    If granny gets her way - make sure the media knows the story.

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