The worldwide unity of Jehovah's Witness

by paul from cleveland 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel

    At the District Convention of 2009, something was said that is tantamount to saying that there is not unity.

    Concerning the failed prophecies of 1925 and 1975, the speaker said that some Witnesses believed that it would be the end of the system at that time. This would mean that some did not believe that.

    How can you have unity when some believe something while others do not?

  • Aeiouy

    Personally I didn't see much difference. I'm from the U.S. and wen to the Poland international convention in '06. From what I could tell, everything was the same. The only difference I have ever wondered about, especially with the To Verdener movie, is apparently in some countries beards are allowed.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Unity is actually more important than the truth to JW's. The Governing Body fears disunity more than falsehoods.

  • InquiryMan

    I have been to some 40 countries and have associatied with witnesses in most of them.

    There is a remarkably unity in beliefs. I remember once preaching in Kenya with a sudanese brother. He started a sentence and I followed with the next while preaching... Of course as a result of a unified and conformed teaching system.

    A specialist on JW (non-witness of course, a scholar) in Scandinavia stated that the JWs are probably the most unified and confirm religious society in the world.

    What I did note has ben cultural differences like the following tidbits:

    Denmark: brothers are allowed to have beards, even up to giving talks at district conventions.

    Sweden: witnesses generally do not dance at weddings.

    Germany: beer was served at assembly hall dedication in Munich (been told so)

    Italy: sisters should not wear long shirts, even in Italian watchtowers sometimes the photos was altered to confirm with this pracsise (been told so))

    Great britain: was told by a sister that she wanted to attend the "labour class" congregation insted of the "posh" one she belonged to. Attended meetings in a cong. where all youngersters were sent to boarding schools.

    USA: much more emphasis on submission in marriage etc...

    Norway: spanking not allowed since 80s. Governmantal support (repayment of tax money)

    Grenada: us witnesses schocked when told this.... "What are parents expected to do then?). Gov sup also hcocking

    Grenada: native witness: she used "charismatic" christian expressions and blamed everything on Satan. RArely heard in Scandinavia.

    Eastern Europe: very spiritual witnesses, serious believers.

    Greece: brother had talk without tie/jacket.

  • Farkel


    :I've heard from fellow JWs that in Hawaii, JW men don't wear suits and ties out in service because nobody in Hawaii does, not even businessmen or lawyers... so they wear Hawaiian shirts like everybody else, because men in suits are looked on with suspicion. Not sure how true that is, but there's one for you.

    That is true. When I was getting ready to make my first trip to Hawaii, a friend who had been there told me to not bring a suit and to dress casual. So I brought a sports jacket instead. In Hawaii "casual" means casual. A native there told me that only old Chinese bankers wear suits and he was right. Hawaiian shirts and flip flops are the order of the day.

    Hawaii is my favorite place in the world, by the way. Who in the world would want to wear a suit in paradise, anyway? Oh, wait! I forgot! Dubs will have to wear them for their daily picnics for 1,000 years!


  • palmtree67

    A few years back, a JW I knew went to Cuba and brought back cigars for everybody at his office.

    Some of the bros thought it was odd, but nothing was done about it. What you can and can't get away with seems to depend on alot of esoteric factors......( how prominent you are, which elders are your friends, etc.)

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