Onereason for a gentleman fader to stay reasonably associated...

by whataburger 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • whataburger

    One congregation phenomenon I have observed in a variety of halls - older, not so model material brothers have a real chance with younger, attractive sisters - and often at the prodding of the young sisters parents and congregation members.

    And if you have a little more scratch than the average JW brother (which isn't hard to do with a bunch of window washers), you really have an advantage.

    A 40 year old man walking through the mall would have zero chances with an attractive 18+ year old girl. But take that same man, who has been faithfully attending meetings and doing all the right things and put him in the Kingdom hall and suddenly anything is possible.

    Sad, but true.

    Of course, who wants all the drama that comes with a girl that young - but it is something I have observed.

    When I was in my early 20's and came back into "the truth", and I had a few dollars - and I had so many sisters tripping all over themselves for me... and the ages range from late teens to late 30's. It was crazy.

    So before you fade completely away and burn the bridge... consider keeping your options open!

  • beksbks
    So before you fade completely away and burn the bridge... consider keeping your options open!

    But only if you're an integrity free loser who can't interact with women of your own age who may share your values. IE distaste for false religions.

  • BabaYaga

    Why would any man want a partner who:

    • Lets old men in Brooklyn dictate what happens in a couple's bedroom
    • Was raised in FEAR and has lots of hang-ups and issues with depression but refuses to go to a counselor because it is "frowned upon"
    • Will not be supportive of ANYTHING the man does besides "progressing in the (T)ruth"
    • Will not only be "supportive" but pushy and DEMANDING (and sometimes even pouty) about "progressing in the (T)ruth"
    • Will let the man die for need of a blood transfusion
    • Will also let their children die for want of a blood transfusion
    • Will raise children in the same organization of dread and fear (same fear, different year.)

    I'm not sure I see any benefits here.


    An 18 year old girl and a 40 year old man..Yuk!..


    Dateing Rules for Dummys..

    Minimum..1/2 your age +7 Years..

    Although you may not be mature enough for a 27 year old woman,at the age of 40..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • beksbks

    Durnit OUTLAW! If I weren't taken, I'd be making a trip to the frozen north.


    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • frankiespeakin

    I guess if one is looking at all the +'s & -'s of staying or leaving that might be considered a + but it would have far too many - - - - 's attached. Then again it's all a matter of what one places more values on. To each his own.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Went and gave the talk at this one cong. There was an older 60+ elder there that I had vaguely known. His wife of many years died a few months earlier and he was already married to this girl in her early 20's. It was very shocking.

    Think About It

  • thetrueone

    Whataburger sounds like what he's saying its worth being a disingenuous cad, just to get a piece of young tail.

    Yes its true that single men who have money and are reasonably good looking will attract a lot of attention

    to himself, even girls half the age of the man in question.

    There are also stories of girls scoping kingdom halls and assemblies for men, so this

    is not just a male situation.

    By the way my sister got hooked up to one of these wolfs with white sheets over themselves,

    only to get divorced a couple of years latter after this pretentious facade waned itself out.

  • EmptyInside

    Well, I'm single and still attend meetings. And the chances of me getting married in the org. , a 37 year old single sister, is next to none. But, I'm not really that desperate to just take anyone. I've been finding "worldly" men are much more interesting with better prospects.

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