Jehovah's Witness warning: "Watch out for the movie Avatar".

by Cindi_67 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • awildflower
  • villabolo

    I'm surprised that the Watchtower hasn't come out against it in full force. Christian Fundamentalists, whose views overlap with the Jehovah's Witnesses on this issue, have done so. Everything about the movie can be construed as demonic from the JW/Fundie point of view.


  • Humanist

    How petty! I wouldn't even think of looking up the name! Have they nothing better to do? Not surprising, though, I had moved out and got my own TV before I could watch Top of the Pops, any of the soaps, Scooby Doo, E.T., Grease, Fame... the list goes on!


    WBT$ Warning..

    Just say: "No to Brain Cells!"..


  • sd-7

    So...was there any mention of what the PLOT OF THE MOVIE WAS? This is an example of how weak the conscience can become. If you sincerely believe that Satan is pushing this movie to turn you into a Hindu-worshiping madman, well...hey! Here's two overlapping generations for you, all rolled up into one!

    I've never seen the film. It's ironic that just because a film is popular, it deserves this level of investigation, yet even a hint of this kind of scrutiny aimed at a Watchtower would be unthinkable. You know how many blue-skinned alien creatures there are in the science fiction realm? Come on. This is seriously taking it to the extreme. There was one guy who described "The Mummy Returns" as "a horror movie" in a talk. I mean, there may have been some weird scenes, but horror movie? You must not have seen any horror movies. I haven't, either, but I know a horror movie when I see one, okay?

    Well...hey, this kind of thing is probably part of what drove me over the edge. I can't watch any unfamiliar movies without the wife getting nervous. Got to respect the weakest conscience, I suppose. There you have it.


  • leavingwt

    My former Bethel roommate, an elder, told me that he and his wife do not watch PG-13 or R movies. Just G and PG for them.

    I think he wanted me to be impressed.

  • Farkel

    What a bunch of superstitious braindead morons!


  • BurnTheShips

    That Kali can be a real bitch, but I still love her.

  • carla

    How sad that jw's are unable to distinguish fact from fiction. How sad that their faith is so very weak that seeing a movie or reading a book could rock their faith so easily. Just a sad, sad so called 'religion'.

  • BurnTheShips

    This article makes the case that Avatar is all about property rights.

    Me? Meh. I just don't see it that way. Those oversized mushroom eating smurfs aren't human. No property rights. Let's invade, drill baby drill, let Blackwater provide security while Halliburton has them toil in the underground spice caves. That is, unless they are tasty when barbecued and go well with a Budweiser.


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