New here-question about calls from the elders

by hoggieman 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JustHuman14

    Welcome on board dude...

    Well you it is a serious situation you got into. My advise: Meet your Uncle, tell me that it is just DOUBTS, that you are kind of frustrated because the end didn't came yet.

    Tell him that you trust Jehovah and His Organization and most of all that God will reveal new light to the channel FDS...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Your uncle is the PO of your hall. You have already spoken aloud your doubts. You have hard choices.
    Go talk to your former elder dad who already spoke his mind. See what he thinks he should have done differently or would do the same again.

    Meanwhile, say little.

  • pat1060

    wel come...You will love it here.We are all going through tough times fading.It is very hard.I agree,the less you say the better till you will be able to think things out.I sure know how you feel..good luck.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    First welcome!

    The problem I see is that since you spoke to both your mother & your sister, they have their 2 witnesses if they really want to hold a JC they can.

    WAC's advice is dead on. Is there a local example of something that wasn't done "properly" and that you could use as a source of your frustrations? Or is there someone in the hall that has been "stumbling you"? Or, you said that your dad left and was an elder so you could say that you were thinking about that and it caused you to temporarily have some doubts but your taking the course that WAC suggested.

    Then, if this blows over and you fade, try to move to a KH that doesn't have family (if that's possible). Having a relative on the BOE can be either very good (to make things go away) or very bad depending on your relationship with that person. If this is your mother's brother, he's probably hypersensitive to "apostacy" given that his brother-in-law went that route.

    Good luck!

  • Gayle

    You need more time and research before saying much or anything. Some here call it "fading" as the best course if ones have family still in the organization. Some stay in the "fading" stage a long time, some a short time, depending on their circumstances. In the meantime, I hope you will read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz. He was a former Governing Body member and explains the inner workings of the Governing Body. He is not hateful sounding, nor bitter, but reveals information that is quite an exposure. There are books by Steve Hassan, never a JW, doesn't even mention anything about JW, but about identifying and combatting mind control and how that works.

    We understand your position and hope you can re-analyze and review the JW issues at your own pace. It is wonderful your wife is "fading" with you. Best wishes for you both in your search.

  • jamiebowers

    No more advice to add..just saying welcome.

  • nugget

    WAC gave good idea.

    Couple of points. When lying focus on what you can say not on what you can't. Just repeat the same thing over again you'll be less likely to slip up.

    Keep it short and call at a time when he will be distracted e.g. 5 minutes before he will be leaving for work or meeting so he can't let the call carry on too long. you can also bring the call to a close with I know you'll be anxious to get on so thank you for your concern I'm touched, bye.

    Good luck

  • hoggieman

    Thanks WAC and everyone for welcoming me and your good ideas. I think I know just what to say. I really had not wanted to tell my mom, but it was one of those things that if I didn’t…she was going to find out another way. In retrospect I should not have been so forthcoming with my thoughts. Unfortuanly my dad passed a few years back....he would have been great to talk to about this, but that is the way things go.

    Thanks again, much appreciated!

  • Quirky1

    Welcome to the board!

    Follow the advice given.

  • moshe


    One day out in service, a long, long time ago a lady listened to my spiel and then asked me, " but, are you happy?"

    I answered, "Yes, I am" to which she replied, " you really need to stop lying " oops, she ready my heart, I was NOT happy and she knew it.

    Which brings me to this point, hoggieman- At which point in your life are you going to stop lying? That's right, be honest about yourself- to thine own self be true, and let the chips fall where they may. Life had some temporary pitfalls for me after I left the KH, but hardly anyone gets out of the KH cult without suffering the results of, "you reap what you sow." Keep your chin up, be an honorable person and get on with your real life. good luck. -

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