Typical JW Response

by Magwitch 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magwitch

    My 76 year old mother and her 94 year old mother (my grandmother) are still regular pioneering. If anyone should understand helping the less fortunate it should be these life time pioneers. However, this is a conversation I had with my them yesterday...

    Me: Mom, the girls (my 2 teenage daughters) and I have volunteered to serve breakfast and lunch at the soup kitchen New Year's Eve

    Mom: Why would you do something as stupid as that?

    Me: (speechless)

    (They can waste all their time going door ta door ta door, but working in a soup kitchen is stupid...hmmm......)

  • rockmehardplace

    i once did a community clean up project at a local park with local businesses and some local politicians and i got dragged through the ringer for doing it by the elders several years ago. they said i should have focused on the preaching work and not that because cleaning the only be temporary and the new system is forever. last time i went by, park still looks nice. new system? still not here.

  • sspo

    You should have reminded them of Jesus feeding the poor!

  • ShirleyW

    Just say that you and the girls believe in showing love to all men, as quoted in the Bible, then quote her the scriptures that prove so ( I myself don't know where they're located in the BIble, but perhaps you do)

    Then say something to effect that you notice that all other houses of the Lord have soup kitchens to provide for those that don't have, which is showing Christian love toward all men, then ask her how come the Dubs don't do this since they proclaim to bethe only TRUE religion . . . . ought to keep her quiet for a while !!

  • zoiks

    You can't count your time doing that, you know!

    Honestly, I admire what you are doing. My 9-year old recently volunteered at the Humane Society, keeping the cats company for a few hours here and there. It is good.

  • dssynergy

    The fact that Jehovah's Witnesses don't have some sort of organized outreach to the homeless really bothers me. There is so much that could be done. It would seem, that even if you had to lure people in with bread and soup to get them "the truth" it would be worth it. Did Jesus not feed the masses?

  • dig692

    no wonder people think JWs are selfish. they could be out helping those less fortunate than they are in PRACTICAL ways that will help them NOW when they TRULY NEED IT...but no, preaching the good news is much more important.


    Why would you want to feed people?..

    When you can knock on strangers doors,who are`nt home..

    Or close the door in your face if they are..


  • undercover

    That was probably the best reply anyway. Someone so hardhearted to think it's stupid to feed the needy would only quote Jesus' words about always having the poor among us and then go off on how the preaching work is a permanent life-saving work, not temporary like one meal. Which is to be expected from hardliner JWs as that is the WT stance on most charities.

  • cantleave

    What a repellent attitude. Magwitch at least you have contributed something meaningful to society.

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