If Russell were alive I'd punch him in his god da*m face!!

by foolsparadise 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    Don't blame Russell. ALl he did was form a publishing house around a loose fitting group of Bible students. It was Rutherford wh ursurped the authority of the directors, purged bethel of all Russell's supporters, and turned it into God's Visible Organization, Knorr and Franz picking up the torch to where it is today.

    Bible Students today don't have the problems JW's have, while they are not without their issues, there is no control or brainwashing or DFing like the JW's.


  • slipnslidemaster

    Basically, Witnesses are nothing like the religion that Russell created. I consider Rutherford the founder of the Witnesses an offshoot of the International Bibles Students.

    He's the one that should have died of rectal cancer...

  • linp24

    Thank you slipnslidemaster. You said it well. And also thank you RR. Russell is not the founder of the jehovah witness organization.

  • thetrueone

    Rutherford created himself his own little kingdom of power by exploiting and utilizing the money and publishing company

    that Russell left behind at his passing. The coercing tactics are plain to see in the endeavor to expand his little kingdom

    to greater heights, both in power and money.

    Unfortunately like myself and others here, we got caught into this game, with troubling consequences.

    Rutherford was the the real power playing opportunist, along with his associated friends of course, to blame and point the finger at.

  • linp24

    Way to go Trueone.......You nailed it!

  • creativhoney

    I think it was Rutherford not Russell.

    oh and my stepdad.

  • mrsjones5

    I think kicking Rutherford in the nuts would be highly pleasurable.

  • thetrueone

    There really should have been a warning placed along with the constitutional law of freedom of religion act

    and should have been , " Buyer Beware " .

    Religion in some mens minds is an opportunity to heighten ones personal stature of themselves as individuals.

    The man that insisted on being addressed as a judge but who really wasn't a judge at all, tells a tale

    of this persons own innate self image of himself , A Princely servant to Jehovah comes to mind and he

    certainly lived a lifestyle endearingly so, with the evidence of him living with his mistress in a luxury mansion with a

    Cadillac in the garage and a stockpile of illegal whiskey at his disposal.

    Whatever happened to people that were haplessly foolish enough to fall into the this scam,

    suffered tremulously at the hands of this instigator of apathetic self improvement.

  • diamondiiz

    I agree with most, Russell seemed to believed his crazy ideas especially since he died during WWI which he though was part of great tribulation. Russell wasn't innocent as it appears the publishing house was started to keep the funds away from Mrs. Russell and in the hand of Charles. He was a businessman but it appears that he believed in most of his teaching and at least his brethren had some freedom to think for themselves but that all ended with Rutherford which should have rotten in prison instead of being out.

  • RR
    He's the one that should have died of rectal cancer...

    Actually Slip, Rutherford DID die of rectal cancer, at least that is what is on his death certificate.

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