Feeling Unfit, Fat and Unhealthy

by cantleave 25 Replies latest social physical

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    When I lost weight 15 years ago, I walked until I was up to a 45 minute to one hour walk daily. And I cut out a lot of foods!

    I can't do that again! I love food too much...as the weight I carry shows.

    I got a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas. It's only been two days, but I really like it! I aim to spend a good half hour daily on it. It is very fun! I never imagined how fun it could be!

    I can do it at home no matter the weather. No mean dogs to chase me. There does seem to be a little dog that follows you on some of the exercises, but he's not going to jump off the TV and bite me!

    The whole family has been using it! I imagine it is going to get worn out!

    The activities are so varied, you can choose from so many. The exercises don't take too long and you are soon up to a half hour! It also weighs you, gives you your BMI and counts the estimated calories you have burned and the time you have been exercising. It's a gym at home! I love it!

    We all ready had the Wii system ($199) and the Wii Fit Plus was about $90-100. Probably comparable to a year gym membership, but you can do it in your jammies and don't have to drive anywhere!

    I am teasing the kids that when they go back to school, I'll be playing at home!

  • bulgogiboy

    I know exactly how you feel, I dont particularly like the whole sweating and gasping that comes with exercise, but I have been making a big effort to get into shape over recent months, and I also want to lose around 3-4 stone, or at least lose 2 stone of fat and develop some decent muscle mass too.

    I've been working out with a Russian kettlebell for the past few weeks and I can already feel the difference in my arms, chest, shoulders and legs. I mean damn, my arms feel solid! I've lost half a stone too. A kettlebell is basically a big ball of iron with a handle on the end, and you swing, pull and lift it. It's the kind of thing the 'strongmen' of bygone days would be seen lifting! It is quite hard at first, but you get used to it quickly. There are countless dozens of exercise combinations you can do with it and you can find loads of instructional videos for free on youtube.

    You get them in a whole range of sizes, I started on a 16 kg one which is quite good, but I'm going to buy a 24 or 28 kg one within the next couple of months to really start to try and build more bulky muscle.

    It gives a good all-round workout, both cardio and muscle development, especially if you add in some sit-ups and push-ups(I do them on top of iron blocks to make them harder), but I also do 50 lengths in the local pool Mon-Sat as well, for extra cardio. Swimming really is excellent, and so good at helping get rid of stress. I was all wound up this morning, from some shockingly venomous emails a dub had sent me last night on facebook, but I went to the pool, swam hard and came out totally chilled :)

    What's good about kettlebells is they are really economical and you can use them at home easily. A 16 kg kettlebell is around 35-40 quid, but it can be your whole gym all-in-one.

    I've also been off the drink since Jan 1st, almost 6 weeks and going strong. I know it's hard, but you might want to consider going off the drink for a month, you might be surprised at the weight you lose, just from that!

    I am off to workout with my kettlebell right now! I will read your other threads and pm you later on this evening :)

  • shamus100

    Stop drinking.

    Start walking (best exercise around!)

    Don't buy an exercise machine, EVER!

    Don't buy a Wii until you start walking for a few months.

    Eat properly, regularly.

    Stop drinking pop immediately. Contrary to popular belief, those artifical sweeteners aren't healthy but they are far more healthier than processed, refined sugar. Don't believe the hype!

    Throw out all sugar in your house.

  • freewilly01

    Get your lazy fat ass off the couch and get it moving............................ smirk smile wink wink

  • thetrueone

    You can start by taking a vigorous walk once a day, get to know your neighborhood a bit more

    or walk to the grocery store to pick up something light.

    Take a bike for a spin to a place of interest, pretend your new to the area and go explore.

    Thats a good start once you've toned up your lower body perhaps join a gym

    or visit your local public athletic facilities.

  • dssynergy

    I felt like that at the start of this year, so I started on Medifast. It is working for me. PM if you want to talk about it more.

  • Magwitch

    Get off the booze - you will be amazed at how much weight you will lose.

  • poppers

    I have found biking to be great fun and very good exercise for losing weight. Any kind of endurance/aerobic exercise is best for weight loss; swimming or walking are excellent too. Last December I bought an exercise bike so I could continue my aerobic conditioning indoors during the winter months and that has made a big difference in how I feel during these cold months.

    I also have used a Total Gym for the last several years - it's a low end model ($400 new, but I got mine used for $150) and is excellent for strength training and flexibility. What I really like about the Total Gym is that it is actually fun to use, and because it's so easy I find myself exercising more than the minimum recommedation. If you decide to go that route I'd recommend a low end model.

    With these two things I've gotten in great shape, the best in 35 years - I'm down from 175 pounds to 162 but feel and look lighter than that on my 5'9" frame. I have very little body fat left, love handles are completely gone, a flat stomach, and my heart rate and blood pressure are now within the normal range. I'm preparing for a 5 day 300 mile fundraising bike ride next July for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. I'll be 59 then.

    Exercise with someone else if possible - you'll be more motivated that way to continue on with it.

    Increase your fiber intake to help your digestive system get into a healthy rhythm so that toxis can get flushed from your body.

    Replace electrolytes that have been lost through sweating by drinking something like Gatorade. If I don't do that I'll feel "washed out" and tired hours later.

    Warm up slowly and have a cool down period at the end so that the possibility of injury is minimized and sore muscles lessened.

    Don' t overdo it when starting out, but keep in mind that during the first 15 minutes you are burning the energy stored in the muscles and not fat calories. That's why endurance exercise is best for weight loss - those use "slow twitch muscles", which burn more fat calories than strength training (fast twitch muscle).

    Give yourself time to adjust to any exercise routine. After a while you'll look forward to it. Good luck.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I want to drop 20 lbs.

    My plan is plenty of water. Cut back on food intake. More protein, less carbs in diet. Similar to Adkins, but not quite as strick on the carbs. Running, weight lifting & boxing work out. Back on L-Arginine and Protein supplements for muscle build.

    Think About it

  • EmptyInside

    As others have mentioned, walking is the best exercise, especially when you're just starting out. It's best to start out with maybe 20 minutes to half hour and build from there. It may be hard at first, but you will start to feel better too. Exercise can be quite addicting and the best anti-depressant drug out there with the best side effects.

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