What will the elders think?

by TMS 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • TMS

    A week ago my wife and I ran into a JW nephew and his wife at the supermarket. Despite knowing that my wife and I are no longer JW's, he was very gracious, giving his aunt and I a warm hug and introducing his wife to us. He casually mentioned meeting with the elders and their decision to disfellowship. He was actually, at that point in the interim 7 day period before announcement of his DF-ing. He felt the DF-ing would "help him straighten out his life". He and his wife, both the children of elders, seemed very upbeat.

    Today, Christmas Day, we ran into this same nephew. Again, hugs and a warm greeting. He wanted to show us something. On his wrist, he had a tatoo of the tetragrammaton.


  • SirNose586

    Why did he get it? So he wouldn't forget the Hebrew name of the deity worshipped by the publishing corporation that oversees these elders? Somehow I don't think they're going to be impressed by that stunt. I think this guy will have to get shunned a few more times before he eventually falls out of the org.

  • TMS

    My impression is that he got the tatoo to show his commitment to the god of the universe. He's lived an almost seamless double life for a long time, viewed at the Kingdom Hall as an ideal young JW male, but with his other foot out into the current popular culture. He is doing his own thing. Watchtower control is like the proverbial water on a duck's back, but, yes, I doubt that he will be a JW very long.


  • thetrueone

    Since there is no policy set for people ( JWS ) getting Tattoos , young JWS to make them not so abnormal or maybe even rebellious are getting tattoos.

    There are so many controls place on the typical JWS anything that hasn't had the hammer dropped on it yet, is eyed as something worthy.

  • OnTheWayOut

    He sounds like he is going to eventually go back. Try to help him see why you are no longer a JW.

  • cantleave

    So many people who are disfellowshipped still think it is the truth. He needs to see he is actually on teh raod to freedom by being DF'd and needs to keep out of the org. The pities sake help him to see this.

  • restrangled


    It sounds more like he was saying it out loud to convince himself. When I was in, (way back in the day), tattoos were forbidden. There were even articles about it, and a scripture used to back it up. I can't imagine they have let up on this.

    He sounds like a nice young fellow.


  • blondie

    Notice that the WTS discourages strongly even "temporary" tattoos.

    *** g03 9/22 pp. 26-27 Should I Get a Tattoo? ***Significantly, the Mosaic Law forbade God’s people to tattoo themselves. Said Leviticus 19:28: "You must not make cuts in your flesh for a deceased soul, and you must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves. I am Jehovah." Pagan worshipers, such as the Egyptians, tattooed the names or symbols of their deities on their breast or arms. By complying with Jehovah’s ban on tattoo markings, the Israelites would stand out as different from other nations.—Deuteronomy 14:1, 2.

    While Christians today are not under the Law of Moses, the prohibition it laid on tattooing is sobering. (Ephesians 2:15; Colossians 2:14, 15) If you are a Christian, you would certainly not want to make markings on your body—even temporarily—that smack of paganism or false worship.—2 Corinthians 6:15-18.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thank YHWH he didn't get something stupid like a "607BCE -- Jerusalem destroyed by Babylon" tatoo. Wow, would he look like a dumbass to the entire world.

  • SirNose586
    Since there is no policy set for people ( JWS ) getting Tattoos , young JWS to make them not so abnormal or maybe even rebellious are getting tattoos.
    There are so many controls place on the typical JWS anything that hasn't had the hammer dropped on it yet, is eyed as something worthy.

    Restrangled's right, tats are frowned upon. The two of my dub ex-friends got them and were basically told that they'd never rise in the ranks as long as they had them (some punishment, LOL!). But they are not seen as a good thing.

    Tats accrued "in your wild younger days" can only be forgiven as long as they were inked when you weren't in the Borg, and as long as you can cover them now.

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