I don't want to die.

by paul from cleveland 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    It's taken me about 5 years, but I'm at peace with the idea that everything dies now.

    Impermanence is a key concept in Buddhism. I'm not Buddhist, nor do I care to be, but there's a lot I like in the Buddhist worldview.


    If you can get past the cheesiness of when it was made, request the COSMOS DVDs from your library. Carl Sagan makes a great case for embracing the life we have and learning all we can.

    Take care,


  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    please let it be true. Let there be a God that loves us and saves us.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Wishes don't change reality, Paul.

    If they did, you'd still be outnumbered my Muslim wishers.

  • PEC

    Two weeks ago, our roommate OD on pain pills, he was only 24 years old. We have re-rented the room, life goes on, we only lost one month rent, praise the lord.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Praise Jah, PEC!

  • mouthy

    Paul I am Granny on board ...& you & others may not like what I am going to say...

    I am a very old woman 83. I was a JW for 25 years. I made 10 people JWS
    But Paul when I was kicked out because I dont believe Jesus came in 1914
    invisably of course I wanted to kill myself....Boy am I glad I didnt ....I KNOW
    there is a Creator,I see the flowers, birds, sunsets etc: I dont believe as others
    do ,that they just came....I believe HE JESUS CHRIST is MY God & Saviour
    but he in NOT like the WT & gives you rules to obey except to LOVE!!!!
    as HE is the GOD of LOVE ..... Just tell HIM you dont know what to believe
    & if HE is GOD ,to please come into YOUR life....I did that in 1989,& He looks
    after me like you wouldnt believe....I dont believe in religion...But a relationship
    I talk to him ,argue with him at times, but HE loves me ,I will die soon,But I am promised
    NO tears, no pain, no suffering after I kick the bucket...Just an old ladies advice Kiddo ((((HUG
    This is my life> http://exjw.weebly.com/



  • gubberningbody
  • jamiebowers

    I love you Granny!

  • SirNose586

    I don't have anything deep and meaningful to tell you. So hang with a PYT, drink a beer, give the WT the middle finger. Get to feeling good. A beer and a BJ should get you out of your funk right quick.

  • mouthy

    Well Jamie Thank you ,I love you too

    I love you Granny!

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