Climate Change (nee Global Warming) Strkes Again!!

by slipnslidemaster 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC

    How about pumping the human generated CO2 to the bottom of the ocean? Clean coal, capture the CO2 and shove it up George Bush's ass.


  • darthfader

    If you put to much CO2 in the ocean then the water will becomes acidic. You need to either crack the CO2 into Oxygen and Carbon or find another substance to combine it with.

    I think that less CO2 emissions from human activity is a good thing regardless if it contributes to Global Warming.

    Darth Fader

  • besty

    PEC - the geo-engineering approach is essentially a deny/delay strategy sponsored by the carbon lobby, which goes something like:

    ....well the science isn't settled yet on climate change causes but if it is fossil fuels to blame....

    ....the costs of GHG emission reduction legislation are too high..... we need a long term technical approach called.....geo-engineering....lets spend $100B a year for the next 20 years on mostly wacky schemes

    <and in the meantime continue BAU>

  • wanderlustguy

    We usually get 300 inches of snow per year, over half of it by now. We're at 36. Take a few more minutes to think about the jet stream and how polar air moves, the snow shifted east and overall there is less of it. If you research the theory of global warming you will see the shift was predicted as part of the evidence of warming, not only are the warm times warmer, the cold times are shorter and more intense.

    Presonally I think we are in a natural cycle of warm weather and it will reverse pretty soon (5-10 years) with an equally notable cold swing for a few decades... as it has since the beginning of recorded time.


  • besty

    thats a lot of snow for Tuvalu :-) WLG

    Global average temperatures have been recorded directly - ie people observing the values on thermometers and writing it down - since the 1880's

    You can see there have been warming and cooling periods, sometimes lasting decades. Climate scientists have a high degree of confidence that the overall warming trend is caused by human behaviour, notably CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning.

    NASA and the UK Met Office have both recently said they expect the decade 2010 to 2019 to contain 5 of the hottest years on record and that the decade will be the hottest we have records for. In fact 2010 itself is mentioned as likely to supercede 1998 or 2005 as the hottest year on record.

    The dotted black line is the annual mean and the solid red line is the five-year mean. The green bars show uncertainty estimates. [This is an update of Fig. 1A in Hansen et al. (2006)] January-Nobember (11 months) mean is used for 2009 data. (Last modified: 2009-12-16)

  • sammielee24

    I believe climate change is inevitable.....I believe that as humans we contribute to it - I also do not believe for one single minute, that governments around the world have nothing to do with both the hype and the cause. You cannot have weaponry such as HAARP that can alter weather and create natural disasters with technology, and expect one to believe that cars are the main contributor. Add on space travel and fuels used with each launch and so on, factor in the obscene wealth that stands to be generated by people who pass the laws and produce the hype and I smell a pack of rats.

    Eco terrorism is now possible and can be used by almost all advanced countries in defense.....if you can create a hurricane, a typhoon, a are altering the climate and pushing climate change at a pace and a level that the ordinary human can do nothing about. sammieswife.

  • villabolo


    "I believe climate change is inevitable.....I believe that as humans we contribute to it - I also do not believe for one single minute, that governments around the world have nothing to do with both the hype and the cause. You cannot have weaponry such as HAARP that can alter weather and create natural disasters with technology, and expect one to believe that cars are the main contributor."

    Assuming, merely for the sake of argument, that these wonder weapons are capable of creating havoc with the weather, why do you find it unbelievable that several hundred million cars cannot do the same thing regardless of whether they were intended to do so or not? Especially in conjunction with coal and oil burning plants?

    ". . .you are altering the climate and pushing climate change at a pace and a level that the ordinary human can do nothing about."

    If "you" are altering the climate then how is it that an ordinary human being, which is still "you" and all the other "yous", are unable to do something about it?


  • besty

    sammielee and wanderlust - beware of cognitive dissonance - you can see and accept that the climate is changing - but it appears you seek to avoid the last logical connection, which 97.5% of climate scientists agree upon.....

  • sammielee24

    Sorry Besty but I don't see any disconnect. I believe that quite simply, as humans we are killing our planet. We pollute the water, earth and air simultaneously. We disregard overpopulation in specific regions of the world in favor of religous freedoms or cultural norms. We upset the balance of our planet through destruction of the forests; pollution of our water systems; alteration to our foodstuffs including the introduction of chemicals and in general, we end up destroying what we have because of greed. In essence I don't dispute the scientific evidence but I'm also not naive enough to believe that there is not corporate and government greed involved at every level. My logic tells me that those in power who scream climate change and push the fear upon us, but who then create an avenue of profit for themselves from that very issue, have something other than the 'good of all mankind' on the agenda. Follow the money. We all need to work toward a cleaner planet and do our part. sammieswife.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    besty ... i remember believing those graphs like when the organization taught us how to explain 1914 ... in conclusion all those graphs are B.S.

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