Does The Name "Jehovah" Bother You?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Yes it is incorrect - but does that matter when it is applied to a non-existent entity?

  • Finally-Free

    The name doesn't bother me. The fact that it reminds me of the cult does.

    The word "happifying" really bothers me though.


  • minimus

    ff stands for freakin' funny.

  • wobble

    It always did bother me, when I was a Dub, when out of what I considered context, i.e a JW meeting. It made me jump when anyone used it on the TV or in print, because from my youth up JW's were usually the only ones using it.

    I used to revere that name, and hated it being misused or belittled.

    Now it annoys me to hear JW's using it, the ignorant sods do not understand the meaning, or feeling, behind YHWH , they do not appreciate the oh so doubtful provenance of "Jehovah" and they do not know what they are talking about. The vast majority of them confuse "Jehovah" with the Governing Body.

    I am convinced that if there was a God ,He would steer clear of any name that even sounded vaguely like Jehovah, the WT have shat on that name from a great height. They have made it stink.



    p.s Dear Minimus, yet another great question, hence a great thread, keep it up !

  • lovelylil2


    I don't use it anymore. Since I am now one of God's children, I prefer to address him as "heavenly father". But it doesn't bother me when I hear others use it. Even though it is not a "correct" name, It is still widely accepted as one way to address God. And realistically, no one really knows the proper way to pronounce God's name anyway. That has been lost a long time ago. Peace, Lilly

  • minimus

    Thanks to Wobble!

  • Heartbreaker

    I believe by using it, I am accepting that he exists, and has a face towards the witnesses, and agrees with how they've handled his name, his people, and his future. I can not accept that a god would like these people using the name Jehovahs Witnesses, or appreciate what they've done in his name. I feel very good being far away from those people, and am comforted by distance in that if a god comes and looks upon these people, I won't be mistaken as one of them. If Jehovah does exist and comes to act in the way we were all taught, then we are all screwed, each and every human on the Earth, because it's destined to fail. The whole thing, and everyone. So be it.

    In everyday conversation I use the term JW's...spoken Jay Dubbayas. I try to refrain from using air quotes most of the time, out of respect for my husband.

  • minimus

    Some people just HATE that name. JWs suggest the "apostates" feel this way.

  • lovelylil2

    The thing with the jws is that they overuse that name. If they are in the body of christ like they claim, then they are God's children thru Christ. And they should be addressing him as Heavenly Father when they pray. Also It is not wrong to just say Lord and that is how they addressed God when Russell was President.

  • minimus

    JWs do not claim "they are in the body of christ". Only the select "anointed" do.

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