Does The Name "Jehovah" Bother You?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chalam

    Do you really think he said all this and didn't use the name?


    The name is probably better translated "authority" for us in our modern western culture.

    The word goes far beyond the simple noun the WT would have us believe it means.

    Jesus is saying He comes in the authority or character of God Almighty, all knowing, all powerful, every present.

    Does a falsely translated seven letter name really convey that?!



  • WTWizard

    I use the names He lives up to most--like Baghead, Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, and Almighty Sore Loser.

  • chickpea

    about as much as zeus and horus

  • wobble

    Well said Stephen (Chalam),

    The Dubs like to make a big thing of that one name, but there are many names for Almighty God. In the Hebrew language and culture a name meant more than it does today, it told of your characteristics,what kind of person you were. i.e Esau, "Hairy" and hence the change from Abram to Abraham etc.

    Hence YHWH," " I shall be want I want (or prove) to be", if God wanted to be redeemer, He would, if He wanted to be Judge,He would, if He wanted to be provider of food (Manna) He would.

    In the N.T all the promises become "Yes" by means of our Lord Jesus, Redeemer, judge, provider of food, Eternal Father etc. etc.

    So, in the N.T Jesus is YHWH, so he would hardly address the Father as such. God the Father was still his Father,and addressed as such, and as Jesus said, His God



  • HappyGuy
    Jesus was never recorded saying "Jehovah" or "Yahweh".

    Were there lots of audio recordings made back then?

  • minimus

    Chalam says it exactly!

    The recording was done by manuscript, silly!


    It`s the Mental Midgets who repeat the name at every opportunity..

    That bother me..

    Jehovah this.....Jehovah that.....And.....Jehovah the other thing..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • steve2

    The Jehovah - or The Yahweh - of the Old Testament was a jealous, raging genocidal maniac. He supposedly had Right and Might on his side. The fact that he has been called "Jehovah" by some is a mere lowly detail when compared to the Scripture-bound history of his vengeful capacity for destruction of all opponents and their offspring.

  • Earnest
    The word [name] goes far beyond the simple noun the WT would have us believe it means.

    The expression "name" does go beyond the simple noun and broadens to include reputation and authority. However, that is not in spite of the actual name but in addition to it.

    Jesus' model prayer which starts with the request "Let your name be sanctified" reminds me of the injunction in the Ten Commandments "You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way". The Jews understood this as referring to the name itself. Are the two not related? Is Jesus not also a Jew? Would not his immediate Jewish disciples have been aware of this?

  • Chalam

    Some great points Wobble :)

    Here is a classic example of a "name" in the bible

    Isaiah 9:6 (English Standard Version)

    6 For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
    and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    The name of the child is Jesus, but His "name" tells us far more that a simple noun. It tells us who Jesus is, some of His attributes and what He does etc.

    Earnest, you need to ask yourself if the name of "Jehovah" or YHWH is important since Jesus came to earth, why is there not a single NT manuscript with it in?

    Even the NWT admits the writers have inserted "Jehovah" in place of "Lord", "God" from the original Koine Greek?



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