Do You Accept ALL Of The Bible As Being 100% Truth?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Do you believe the Bible is unfallible, unerring and totally accurate?

    Do you believe the Bible is a "Good Book" with much good about it but not something that should be totally believed?

    Do you not believe in the Bible at all as being "God's Word"?

  • Farkel

    :Do you believe the Bible is unfallible, unerring and totally accurate?

    Yes. Especially the part about the strong guy with the magic hair.


  • Finally-Free

    I believe the scripture in Jeremiah where it says we should get drunk and puke.

    Jer. 25:27 “And you must say to them, ‘This is what Jehovah of armies, the God of Israel, has said: “Drink and get drunk and puke and fall so that YOU cannot get up


  • xeracia

    It's just another book.

  • tinker

    yeah, especially the bit about the talking snake

  • FreeAtLast1914

    Good book. Good message. Good principles. Not a history book. Not a verbatim instruction manual from God. Not a Da Vinci mystery. Nothing about it is much different from any other historic "holy" book. Also, it happens to be a book that was solely in the hands of the Catholic Church for centuries. This last fact alone is enough for me to exercise reasonable doubt as to its veracity; not to mention the stories of talking snakes, immaculate conceptions, oceans parting on cue, resurrections, healings, giants walking the earth, etc.

  • PSacramento

    I believe that the writers were inspired to write about God as they were told by the oral tradtions of the time.

    I do not believe that it is infalliable or totally accurate.

    I believe that many writers ( and those responsible for the oral tradtions) used God to justify things they did whethere consciously or not.

    I believe that the OT is far more "erroneous" than the NT, but I also believe that the NT has its problems.

    I recall a speaker once saying:



    Book for



    Kind of a good way to put it I think, but we still have to be honest with ourselves on how we view it and use it.


    I`m still trying to figure out..

    How to turn Water.. into.. Scotch..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • lovelylil2

    My view of the bible is similiar to PSacrementos views I think.

    When you ask if the bible is 100% true well you need to keep in mind that there are many moral stories, allegories, etc in it that are not literally true but teach basic moral truths anyway. This is especially so in the OT.

    I accept the prophecies in the Old Testament as being 100% true and from God

    I accept the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament as 100% truth and the basis for my current faith in Christianity

    I believe the overall Bible to be true and God inspired but I find that man's interpretation of it is not infallible. Peace, Lilly

  • HappyGuy


    so you pick and choose which parts to believe and which parts to view as "stories". Convenient.

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