New to the Forum

by Abe L. Toseenow 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome. Now's the time to make new and in real life. Get ready, cuz I smell a df'ing coming soon. Good luck and God speed.

  • poppers

    Welcome to the board - I love the name.

  • GLTirebiter

    Welcome, Abe! It sounds like you have your hands full with your wife still believing in the organization. You know her best, so use good judgement about how hard to press the issue with her. Above all, show her that your love is unconditional, clearly and often. Do your best, and remember that many others have made it through similar situations. We're all with you.


  • chickpea

    one witness aint 2

    their rules; make them stick to them

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    welcome to the board Abe.

    It was great your wife was able to expose some of the kooky aspects of the JW movement to your two visitors. No doubts their heads are spinning tonight.

    You are right though - the witch hunt may still ensue. However, you can decide how you want it to end.

    The Oracle

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    I don't know your situation yet. But it sounds like you might both be on the same page, so to speak, though you have stepped further away than her at this time. That is good, being on the same page. Hopefully this whole thing will keep you two close. Other family inside? That will make a difference how it goes for her I suppose.

    Looking forward to more of your story. Peace through the rocky moments ahead.


  • nugget

    Your wife is still in the Homer Simpson "It's still good faze"

    She sees the scandal, but it's still good.

    There will be a time when the pig disappears over the hill and into the river when she will have to admit that it is not still good. She's part the way there already.

    Welcome to the forum.

  • avishai

    Have her look up "Tyler Davidow" My brother. on the net. if she wants confirmation of the lengths these bastards from the top down went to, she can talk to me. Or she can talk to me about my own abuse that was covered up. These guys are ass covering humans. Chicken shit ones at that. from the gb on down. God's org., my ass.

  • cantleave

    Welcome - to the forum.

  • yellow

    Great name. I came across the Freeminds site years ago, still went to meetings trying to prove those apostates wrong. It took a long time before I came to finally see the WT ws very wrong maybe it will be the same for your wife. I tried to D/A in Spring of this year but was talked round.

    I was in hospital for a while and sent a thank-you card to the cong. (wrong move) An elder cornered me and asked why would I want to D/A and send such a loving card. Well he had a way of extracting the truth from me. Told him about what I had seen on the internet and it had became a habit (a bit like viewing porn) well I was warned to stay away from those sites. He`d inform the P.O. I thought it was the end of the matter. I kept it to myself about what I had read, so by according to their rules I wasn`t an apostate.

    A few months later I came back from vacation only to hear a local needs talk had been given whilst I was away. And was visibly marked by several in the cong. (So much for keeping it amongst themselves) very very sly. I sent in another letter to D/A and this time stuck to my guns.

    Once these guys get a bloody whiff about your thought or feelings that are against the WT they will try and get you out.

    Hope to hear how you get on good luck.

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