Just curious... how many on here first became JW by door to door work Vs raised in?

by Aussie Oz 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magwitch

    4th generation on mother's side

    3rd generation on father's side

  • yknot

    I am a 'born-in'

    My family's conversion started with a workmate's casual invite to attend a meeting at the KH.

    D2D conversions are usually when the person is feeling 'low' for one reason or another........in my KH all the most recent ones involve a single man who was feeling lonely and thinking of ending his wildoats phase......and a wholesome-looking pretty JW gal.

  • WTWizard

    I was scammed in during the late 1980s, from door to door work. They would not let go, and they kept promising to help me with the opposite sex. Of course, they did the exact opposite, thinking I would be perfect to unload all the work onto and send to the Value Destroyer Training School. Not that I was alone in going in around that time--the period between 1980 and 1992 was full of people getting baptized, with 10 in my congregation alone getting baptized in 1988 alone (around 100 in attendance).

    Of course, once they consistently broke their promises to me, I saw that there was nothing for me to lose by breaking my "dedication" to them.

  • VoidEater

    Raised in.

  • Walkin

    It only cost me a quarter for the Blue Bomb and 30 odd years of captivity.


  • Finally-Free

    My mother was a door to door convert. I became infected a few years later.


  • brizzzy

    Born in, fourth generation. Both great-grandparents "of the anointed".

  • iMARX

    I was raised in the religion. My dad left and came back when he married my mum and they came back in to it as I was being born. Shame.

  • dissed

    At the age of 16, I was kidnaped in the middle of the night by two JW pioneers, hauled off to an education camp in a burlap bag, and forced to claim allegiance to JG or I wouldn't be allowed to go home.

    Okay, not quite the truth, but pretty close to it.

    My buddy at school started studying and invited me to his study. Being naive and 16, I didn't stand a chance with their hi-tech brainwashing techniques.

    And now you know the rest of the story.....Good day!

  • straightshooter

    I learned of the jws by means of the door to door ministry.

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