Bible really word of God (Cont.)...

by AGuest 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
  • AGuest

    Why? Because that pearl MEANS… everlasting life. EVERLASTING… life. EVEN… if you die in the flesh.

    And the pearl… is KNOWING God and Christ. Not know ABOUT God and Christ. Not knowing OF God and Christ. Not “taking in knowledge of” God and Christ. It is KNOWING them. One on one.

    Frankly, what concerns me is what others say it may be,

    And therein lies the problem: what OTHERS say…

  • AGuest

    because people like Sylvia Brown is famous for her 'spirit guide' revealing answers to her and some have suggest that what I experience may be this. Perish the thought because I believe that chick to be a false psychic and a false prophet claiming the title Christian but holding to some views that resemble mormanism to a degree and committing the gnostic heresy.

    I do not deny that Sylvia Brown and people like her can hear and/or communicate with spirits. If I can hear them, who am I to say another can’t? What I DO know is that the spirit(s) such ones hear are NOT the Christ… and thus, they are NOT “christian,” by any stretch. HOW do I know? Because… ANYONE who receives the gift of GOD’s spirit that allows them to hear spirits… which gift they can ONLY receive FROM God, THROUGH Christ… MUST use that gift for ONE purpose: the building up of the Body of Christ. And for NO other purpose. They cannot garner fame from it. They cannot charge a price for it. They cannot use it to “cast pearls before swine.” They cannot use it to receive glory from earthling men.

    Any who received such gift FROM God (through Christ) and use it in this way and for these purposes… are committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that gave them such gift… and will be cast out (of the Body). Any who received such ability from some OTHER spirit… and oh, yes, this is QUITE possible and, in fact, is the USUAL “way”… do not belong to God through Christ… but to our Adversary. They use this ability to further his goals, and that of the world’s. They are NOT of God, or of His kingdom. And THEY are the reason that we are to “test” the “inspired” expression. Because an “inspired” expression is one that was received FROM a spirit while the recipient is IN spirit. And there are MANY spirits… good AND bad… and so not every inspired expression originates with God.

  • AGuest

    At any rate, I have felt like I had a close relationship with God that seems somewhat diminished now.

    Have you “diminished” in your speaking to/with THEM? Because the admonition is “draw close to God… and He will draw close to you.” Not the other way around (i.e., God will draw close to you, and so you can draw close to God). Thus, if YOU draw close to God… THEN He will draw close to you.

    I don't believe that the Father and the Son are the same person though at one time I use to believe this.

    You are making progress, then!

    Learning the true nature about the trinity gave me better insight but I will also concede that the trinity doctrine (being one God in three persons) is not exactly taught in the Bible, but inferred due to the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


  • AGuest

    In other words, no one verse in the Bible teaches God as one existing as three persons (1 John 5:7 in the KJV not withstanding).

    Yes! And given the article I posted in the original thread, there is reason to believe (for those who doubt that the Spirit himself would clarify) that it is one of those things that someone changed to suit their particular understanding/belief.

    I've witnessed strange things in the churches I've attended over the years. Out of order tongues and prophecying being the main ones as well as being slain in the spirit.

    I have never seen such things in a “church.” I have seen tongues iterated twice, both when a small group of Body Members were together. I cannot comment on the gift of prophesying right now. And I do not know what “slain in the spirit,” means. It is not a term I have ever heard from my Lord, or seen written before now.

    When these don't line up with the Bible, it makes me wonder what is really behind that. A show or perhaps something more sinister like a demon?

    I cannot say that everything must “line up with the Bible.” Indeed, nothing NEEDS line up with it! I CAN say, however, that IF you’re a member of the Body of Christ, meaning you have received holy spirit and now walk by that spirit… YOUR spirit will “bear witness” as to the TRUTH of what is taking place. If what is taking place IS from God… your spirit will NOT be able to deny it. If is it NOT from God… your spirit will NOT be able to ratify it. Again, it really is as simple as that. Also, there is NO need to fear demons. <

  • AGuest

    They have no power… other than what you GIVE them… by means of your fear OF them.

    I guess in the end I just keep coming back to the timeless wisdoms that Jesus preached up on the mountain, primarily the beatitudes as well as love for one another and our enemies. These words of wisdom seem to cut across all religious and secular philisophies.

    And these are basic, important, and necessary. Not only for the Body of Christ, but for all. However, following such will not make one a member of the Body of Christ (although such should absolutely be followed). It is by means of an anointing… a choosing… by the Holy Spirit (Christ)… WITH holy spirit… that one becomes a member of HIS “Body.” Just as a man and woman become ONE in the flesh when they JOIN in the flesh, so, too, one and Christ become ONE… in the SPIRIT… when they JOIN… in the spirit. And this begins by means of obeying the SIMPLEST of commands, which CAN be found in the Bible (if one needs to SEE it “in writing”), if one only looks:

  • AGuest

    First, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" John 7:38

    Second, “I am the living bread that came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; this bread is my flesh, offered so the world may live. … I assure you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you. But those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them at the last day.” John 6:61, 53, 54

    Third, “he took a cup of wine, and when he had given thanks for it, he said, "Take this and share it among yourselves. … he took a loaf of bread; and when he had thanked God for it, he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, "This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. After supper he took another cup of wine and said, "This wine is the token of God's new covenant to save you--an agreement sealed with the blood I will pour out for you." Luke 22:17, 19, 20

    And finally, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me. "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted!” John 15:4-7

  • AGuest
  • AGuest

    Maybe this dude's dog is telling him these things.

    If you’re referring to me (AGuest), dear Happy Guy (and peace to you!), please know that I am a “dudette.”

    A slave of Christ,


  • Walkin

    AGUEST. You use the Bible when it suits you. That is the reason that I know you are captive to your own concepts of what is true. Whenever you quote from the verses that support what you are telling us, you are quoting what men have written, not what God has told men to write.

    The very Bible that you quote has been established to have been mistranslated, misquoted, and rewritten over and over throughout the centuries in many Bible versions. It is all hand me down history of the Jewish people, Hebrew people and those who say the things about Jesus, like yourself.

    Yes, there are some good advices and words of wisdom to follow that will be of benefit to those who take the advice, however, there are many good books like the "CHICKEN SOUP" books that have been helpful to many.

    How can you say that your Lord has you quoting from a book that is not of his doing.

    You are captive of your own fear of death, and think that by saying the things you say, that you will escape death and live forever.

    If this works for you, if it helps you overcome your fear of death and the unknown afterlife, well, peace be to you.


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