Bible really word of God (Cont.)...

by AGuest 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    that I find it interesting, if not hypocritical, that “christians” believe this is the VERY case with non-christians… who give their lives… and live and die for… their god(s))…

    You get all this truth and knowledge about all the subjects you disclosed that God educated you on in His conversations with you only and science and all other teachings got it wrong.

    You are in error, on at least two accounts: (1) God did not educate me, per se. It is His Son who speaks to me. Which I openly confess. (2) While yes, these things were disclosed to me, but I have NEVER said that they were disclosed to me only.

    We must listen to AGUEST!

    Absolutely NOT! Please… PLEASE… do NOT listen to me! LISTEN… to the One God TOLD you to listen to! Matthew 17:5

  • AGuest
  • AGuest

    Like Doubting Thomas, unless I, not you, put my hand in his side and in the holes in his feet and hands, I will not believe.

    The word of my Lord to you, dear Walkin’, is that because of this, because of your need to walk by SIGHT… and not by FAITH… it is for THIS reason that YOU do NOT see… or hear… him. His word to you is that, again, that the choice is yours: you can walk by SIGHT… and so wait to see him when he literally returns... and EVERY eye sees him… OR, you can walk by FAITH… and see him NOW… for he WILL show himself plainly TO you. IF… you have the faith to SEE him.

    (I, Shelby, must ask you, though: you do recall his words to Thomas about who it was who would be deemed “happy,” yes? NOT those who believe BECAUSE they see… but those who believe and yet DO NOT see.)

    Remember Thomas was rewarded not punished for saying this. He received a special visit from Jesus, so the scriptures tell us if you want to believe it.

    The word of my Lord to you, dear Walkin’, is that you are in error: Thomas was not “rewarded” by a special visit. He (my Lord) had already appeared to Thomas when Thomas said he would not believe it WAS my Lord… until he saw the holes. So, the word of my Lord is that he showed him the holes, even though he lacked faith… because Thomas’ life depended on him having faith. BUT… he THEN pronounced “happy” those who, UNLIKE THOMAS, would beli

  • AGuest

    would believe that he had risen from death… WITHOUT seeing him having done so. He accommodated Thomas… but we are not afforded that same accommodation, which is why he said what he did TO Thomas. Perhaps you should re-read this account, dear Walkin’.

    I want you to explain to me what your God has to say about my comments.

    My God has said nothing, at least not directly. My Lord, however, has said what I stated to you, above.

    I don't want you to use the same old responses to everyone else.

    Ummmmm… sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. What YOU want… is irrelevant. You don’t get to dictate how this goes. How it GOES is for YOU to ask him and then LISTEN… when he responds to YOU. So, you cannot just ask me what HE says… and then tell me that you don’t want ME to “use the same old responses.” You did not ask ME what I have to say. You asked me what HE has to say… and so, I responded just as he spoke to me. If it turns out to be the “same old responses,” that’s something you will need to take up with him (“Ummmm, Lord, Christ, JC, Jesus, etc., I didn’t like your response. Can you give me something else?” etc.). Truly.

  • AGuest

    Ask your God to response to what Walkin has written to you about his making contact with you and not the rest of the world.

    You misunderstand how this works, so please, let me explain: I am neither a “psychic” nor a “spirit medium”. Nor am I your “mediator.” Thus, I cannot take what you or any other asks back for a response. YOU must ask your question… for yourself. I can speak to YOU as to what he says to ME… or to me to say to YOU. But it truly is a one-way deal, dear Walkin. I hear… sometimes because you don’t – and then I share. But it’s not a simple as you ask… and then I can go back and forth. That would make me a psychic… or perhaps a mediator… and NOTHING like that is going to happen here.

    As for what you have asked, I can share with you what my Lord has shared with me previously: that he HAS made contact with ALL of earthling man. He speaks to ALL of mankind. Starting from when we are infants. Unfortunately, not all of mankind HEARS… or LISTENS when they do. Or, many are talked out of what they hear. Like you’re trying to do to me, here.

  • AGuest

    I, however, am not the only one who hears. I am, however, one of the few who is foolish enough to publicly ADMIT it… as an ADULT… and share what I hear. That is the ONLY difference between me and some others: they are concerned about appearing “foolish” as well as receiving skeptical, even angry, responses as a result. I am not concerned. I mean, what can you do to me? “Ruin” my reputation? Reputation for what? I am not seeking fame or fortune. I am not trying to profit in any way. You don’t have anything I want. You don’t have anything I need. And I don’t care whether you believe me or not… because I am not DOING it “for you,” per se.

    True, I would LOVE that you… that ALL of mankind would get this very simple truth: that Christ IS alive and DOES speak. But I wish it for HIS glory… and the Father’s… not mine. And I do it… because it is the ONLY thing that I CAN do… for him and what he has done for ME. The ONLY way I can show him that I BELIEVE him when he speaks to me… is to tell others. True, I can demonstrate my love of him by showing love toward others. And I do that to the best of my ability. However, I can go BEYOND that, can’t I, by telling the TRUTH… ABOUT him. About WHO he is, WHAT he is, WHERE he is, WHAT he does, and what he SAYS… at least, to me. And so, here I am…

  • AGuest
  • AGuest

    Dearest SixofNine, peace to you!

    Sorry, but you are being a weasel worded player. The crux of the matter is that you claim that your words to us are the infallible words of God. You say it again right here: “And yes, thus far HIS words HAVE proven infallible. But, again, I only share with you what I receive FROM him. And, again, sorry, but I cannot... and will not... lie to you about this.”

    The “he” that I refer to is the Son, dear one, who is not God. I spoke the truth to you: his words have been infallible. He is the Word of God. The Bible is not. Thus, ITS words… are NOT infallible.

    meh. You weasel out of "lying" by believing; but it's your own metastasized ego you believe in. Believe me.

    I am not lying, dear Six… nor have I weaseled out of anything. Perhaps you believe me to have because you believe God and Christ are one and the same. Or each one of three persons in some triune God-head-thing. They are not, however, and so I CANNOT say that God speaks to me, when it is my Lord, His SON, speaking to me. The 5 times I have heard the Father’s voice, and in each case He did nothing more than either identify Himself (“I am the One known to you as ‘Jehovah’,” “I am the Alpha and Omega,” etc.)… or corroborate something my Lord told me (“You are known to me,” after my Lord told me that I was now known to the Father). But that’s pretty much it. The Father doesn’t speak much, actually. His Word, my Lord, does most of the speaking. I bid you peace.&n

  • AGuest

    Dearest GaryNeal , the greatest of love and peace to you!

    Personally, I understand to a certain degree what you are saying.

    Praise JAH!

    I remember many times how I have prayed for things or for understanding and it has been revealed to me. Sometimes indirectly through an event or a person giving a message and sometimes directly in my mind via my conscious as if God Himself is speaking to me through His Holy Spirit.

    For me, it is 99.99% the last one; however, I have come to know that that Holy Spirit is Christ, and he is indeed “speaking.” And, yes, it DOES feel as if God Himself is speaking… but He is not. It is His Son, the Word and Holy Spirit. LISTEN to him, dear GN!!

  • AGuest

    As frankie stated, though, sometimes the speaker is manifested in my mind in the form of imaginary friend I had since childhood.

    “He” was not “imaginary.” He spoke. He probably saved your life at some point. He was very real then… and is now. It’s just that “grown” people, you know, those know-it-all-adults who taught you that the voice WAS imaginary and you needed to stop listening to it… convinced you to stop listening to it. BUT… did not our Lord say, “Unless you become AS CHILDREN…” You need to allow yourself to get back to that… well, the word that comes to mind, dear GN, is… freedom. Let me give you an example:

    You are out fishing with your 30-year-old child… and your 3-year-old grandchild. You see a beautiful mallard duck about 50 feet out on the pond, which is deep. You say to the 3-year-old, “Walk out on the water and get the pretty bird.” What will that child do? BELIEVING YOU (that she can walk across the water)… she will take some steps. Okay. Alternatively, you say the same thing to her 30-year-old dad. What, if anything, will HE do? Isn’t he most likely to look at you like you’ve just lost your mind? Of course. Why the difference? Because… the dad “knows” he can’t walk on water; however, the child BELIEVES she can. SHE… has faith. HE… has none. Can you “see”?

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