Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?

by HappyGuy 39 Replies latest social current

  • cantleave

    look at his url ..... kkglorychurch.com

    look at his url ..... kkglorychurch.com, kkgloryhole.com

  • zagor

    LMAO! What never ceases to amaze me is just how many people are living in some sort of fantasy Disneyland world of their own, so far removed from reality that even spending a sigh on them is a waste of time, let alone trying to explain it to them. But even sadder part in all of this is that they attract people whose lives suck even more and looking for some sort of "guiding light" a vision to show them a way. Then having people around him/her reinforces their worldview and they start to think "well since I've go so many agreeing with me I must be right" (forgetting of course what kind of people they attract in the first place) and people around him/her think "wow this must be the truth, and we are getting inside look" lmao the only inside look they are getting is level of insanity.

    Don't worry people there is more gravitational pull in nearby moon than of the planet slightly bigger than Pluto on the edge of solar system. In fact, to be more exact since gravity falls by the inverse-square law there is way more gravitational pull of the computer screen you are looking at than of planet Xena. Mind you I wouldn't mind being pulled by real Lucy Lawless lol

  • trueblue

    I know for a fact that I seen a planet last spring that was so vivad that I could make out the surface of it. When I saw it I knew it was something that has not been seen for thousands of years. I was surprised that I haven't heard about this object before hand and every one was not looking for it. Like in the case of the eclipse and many other unusual things in the sky, the public was told so they could see it. I seen it go down with the sun one evening then come up with the sun the next morning. Even afterwards there has not been a simple explination for what I seen, and although I must have gotten a better view then any one else on all the videos I have watched I know that it would have done no good to have a photo of it. No one would beleive that it was real.

    I think all that I have looked into by watching videos because I do not like to read, I have come to the conclution that they are all wrong, but with bits and pieces I think I have found the evidence of my first hunch to be correct that everything is about to become in a perfect balance for the universe and earth.

    I do believe that there is going to be a great solar storm, very soon.

    I do not believe that the planet I seen was this planet x, because if it were, we would have been bombarted with meteors or something with all the stuff this planet x would be dragging along with it. If it even exists?

    As far as the 10 planet (what ever that is) would cause "Armageddon" I do not think so because Armageddon is a spiritual (invisable) war between the good Angles and the bad Angles that has already started and we can see the signs of it with the war that we are in on earth.

    Take Care Brothers and Sisters, Jesus has a plan for us...

  • Elsewhere

    TreuBlue... I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying.

    Are you saying that you looked up in the sky and saw a large planet-like object that was so close that you could see craters and other surface details? No one else saw this object in the sky? Only you saw it?

    About when was this (date and time) and where were you (country/state/city)?

  • trueblue

    Elsewhere, I am in Iowa. I do not recall the date because I forgot all about it until about 3 weeks ago. It was early spring, and I could see it the last couple of hours of day light and seen it the very next morning. Yes I could see craters and stuff in detail.

    This vedeo is the closest I come up with that resymbles what I seen except the sky's were verry clear (not one cload) and it was not a white light foe me.

    I need to go for a while, and I will be back to see if some one can explain what I seen.


  • Satanus

    Planet zena moved to scotland. Not to worry, no more pull from her.


  • Snoozy

    Trueblue...is it the moon? Sometimes we see both at the same time, especially when the sun is just coming up, here in missouri..


  • Snoozy

    Satanus, there was someone that claimed to be (Zena) Xena on another ex JW site. They went by the name Seriously...I knew she had to be a fraud . First she spelled her name Zena and then went back and corrected it to Xena..

    She didn't know what I meant when I asked her how her "Little Toe" was...lol

    Snoozy trying to put link up: At least they had some nice pictures...


  • Satanus

    If she doesn't know about the littletoe, then she's not the real zena. Maybe, i'm spelling that wrong. It soundx the zame, anywayx.


  • trueblue

    Snoozy, it most definately was not the moon. It did not have craters like the moon. At one time I was curious as to weather it was a reflection of earth but it did not look any thing like earth. So it wasn't a reflection, besides I seen it at two defferent times of day to believe that it was a reflection. It had color and shapes similar to mountains though. I could tell there were no oceans or bodies of water.

    I don't know if I would be able to recognize a photo of it now that it has been a while and I don't think it matters to me what it was, just that I know that I seen something and I am positive that there is a government cover up, no one is going to believe me any way, and I am tired and I will leave it at that until I see something again.

    Thank You

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