Will the 10th planet cause an "Armageddon"?

by HappyGuy 39 Replies latest social current

  • trueblue
  • Elsewhere


    The closest thing I can think of that would explain what you saw would be something called a Sun Dog. That is what appears to be in the video you posted.



    Regarding a planet-sized object coming that close to the earth: It would be catastrophic. Something like that would not need to hit the earth to destroy most if not all life on earth. The gravity from it passing near would alter earth's orbit causing it to move closer (oceans would boil) or farther away from the sun (earth would freeze).

  • zagor

    Right.. Somebody tickle me please, so that I can laugh

  • trueblue


    I have heard of the sun dog too, but don't believe that is what I saw. Doesn't matter though.


    Opinions are like A-Holes everyone has one...

  • zagor


    Opinions are like A-Holes everyone has one...

    ...true, but most of them stink, which is the part you forgot to say

    anyway, here is NASA's response http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html

    What is so frustrating is that this whole thing started with one man Zecharia Sitchin, a conspiracy theorist with zero education in astronomy and even the thing he claimed to be "expert" in i.e. Sumerian language has proven to be false. Yet irronically he's got such a huge following of people for whom reality is just not real enough and they need to spice it up with, ahem, bullshit, exaggerations and blatant lies. But I guess some people just need fantasy or life would lose its charm, how sad.

    What is so frustrating though is that real science somehow never get that kind of attention I guess its because it unapologetically demands use of brain.

    It is really not about your opinion mate, but about what facts are. This being a public board people have right to see which arguments stand the scrutiny. To tell you the truth I kinda liked 2012 movie, well sort of because of its special effects anyway. But once you leave movie theatre that is where fantasy ends. Anyway, have a beer mate and relax life is not gonna end in 2012

  • trueblue

    ...true, but most of them stink, which is the part you forgot to say

    I haven't been close enough to be sniffing any, but I would say they all stink

    All I know for sure is what I see, and I seen an object that looks like a planet. I guess I should put on a gas mask before everyone stinks the whole planet earth up.

    There is nothing we could do about it if the world is destroyed so no point in letting it interfere with our daily lives.

    I am setting here unemployed, with no reason for it because I am the best at what I do and have my own business, but no one is buying because everyone is afraid to spend any money over a bunch of crappy rumers, that the economy is bad. (I thinketh's so I am, so mote it be) That is my opinion and I thinks it stinks.

    I would not have a clue how to write a book, and I am not trying to find any other way to make money off other peoples fears. Boy I have seen a lot of money making scams with this 2012 crap sense I heard about it a couple of weeks ago. I have seen people trying to sell books, unsinkable boats, all the way down to where they are trying to sell mustard seed jewelry.

    Dam I am bored, lets whatch another movie


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You just happen to see a stray planet in the sky and didn't think enough of it to take a photo, or tell your friends to take a photo, and then, it just happens that, hundreds of professional and amature sky watchers all missed seeing it ????????????????????????????

  • trueblue

    Yup!!! I am an artist very good at sculper, molding and such, I have a nack for detail-A+ in art all through school for art, went to college for art at age 13, and I do not give a damm what any one thinks. I know I seen it and that is all I need to know.

    And ya I did not take a photo thinking some one else would have seen it, and I would hear something but did not hear anything so I forgot about it till a couple of weeks ago.


  • trueblue

    If I had a camera at the time I would have taken some pics for the hell of it. Do you think photos of it would make any difference to you? HA! HA!HA!

    Besides I have been taking care of an elderly person and been surrounded by people that can't clothe or feed themselves, about to die... You think any of them would be interested in such nonsense?

    If you are interested? Find out for yourself... Keep on seeking and you shall find.

    But first seek the Kingdom of God and the rest shall be added on to you...


  • slipnslidemaster

    Zena = Xena (the real one) and she's a real peach! Fantastic young lady.

    Xena the dwarf planet Eris now.

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