Husbands/Wives, Do you share passwords for each other's email account?

by asilentone 38 Replies latest social family

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    how do you know who it's for unless you read the subject line?

  • RR


  • DJK

    "how do you know who it's for unless you read the subject line?"

    We can see who the sender is before any notes are opened.

  • Jim_TX
    "Friday was the 18th anniversary of our first date...and he hasn't ever went though my purse. To this day, if I say,.."look in my purse or it's in my purse", he'll go get my purse and bring it to me."

    That's funny. I do the same with my wife. Even her cell phone. I won't answer it. It's hers.

    As for the passwords - I know my wifes' password - I assigned it - on her account. But I don't read her e-mails. It's not an issue of trust - it's an issue of privacy. She tells me she doesn't care if I read her e-mails.

    She does not have my passwords to my accounts - but it ain't rocket science - and she could probably figure it out - if she wanted to.


    Jim TX

  • mrsjones5

    "Friday was the 18th anniversary of our first date...and he hasn't ever went though my purse. To this day, if I say,.."look in my purse or it's in my purse", he'll go get my purse and bring it to me."

    Yeah my hubby is the same way. Says he respects my privacy even tho' there's nothing really private in there.

  • jamiebowers

    Not only do I have my husband's passwords to his work and home mail accounts, I check, read and respond to his mail, because he doesn't like to do it. He, of course, doesn't know my passwords or ever read my emails. He also doesn't like to talk on the phone, so I check voicemail messages on the home and cell phones and his work cell phone. The only time he gets into my purse is if he wants to see the checkbook balance, but he usually just asks. He won't write checks either.

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    lisavegas, jamie, mrs. jones: I think we are married to the same man

  • lisavegas420

    well...mine looks like Santa.


  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    Thats him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jamiebowers

    I never figured out how to post photos here. My husband doesn't have the beard, but he does have the silver hair.

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