Husbands/Wives, Do you share passwords for each other's email account?

by asilentone 38 Replies latest social family

  • yknot

    Yes......and we also have our hotmail accounts 'linked'

  • Saoirse
    Friday was the 18th anniversary of our first date...and he hasn't ever went though my purse. To this day, if I say,.."look in my purse or it's in my purse", he'll go get my purse and bring it to me.

    Mine doesn't go through my purse either. It cracks me up. I wonder if men are secretly terrified of purses because they fear they'll accidentally touch a tampon or something while digging through one.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't think there is a hard and fast rule of right or wrong on shared passwords. What works for one couple, might not for another. I would rather just be able to ask a partner about things, than to spy on him. I find it's better to have privacy coupled with good, healthy and open communication. If secret passwords cause a lot of trouble, counseling might be needed.

  • TD
    I don't think there is a hard and fast rule of right or wrong on shared passwords. What works for one couple, might not for another.

    My wife has work email forwarded to her personal account on weekends and holidays. Since she manages offices remotely, this can add up to a lot of email in a short period of time. Not only do I have no business looking at any of that stuff, I wouldn't even want to.

  • transparentGreen

    I share all my passwords and passwords I haven't even thought of yet

  • restrangled

    Once in awhile we have to ask eachother for pass words....

    Neither of us can remember them, and the e mails are too boring to each other to care about.


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I do

  • oompa

    hailllllll no!!!!!!...........not for the past three years!!!!............well actually she had full access to it and still does...i forgot that....but that is my biz account.....she still has no knowledge of the other apostacounts......or my apostaphone.....

  • darthfader


    She has her email address and I have mine.. I keep my inbox sorted (and catagorized) and freak out if I have more that 20 items in there - My lovely wive on the other hand... she has over 1000 email messages in her in box with about 200 unread ones..

    I have access to her email account ( and visa versa) -- but holy crap who wants to look at that mess... (lol)

    Darth Fader

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