Did you ever think you would end up here?

by highdose 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    HIGHDOSE- Good thread. I had been getting doubts inside my head since the late 1980's ( was born and raised in since 1959 ) but I didn't come to my total moment of clarity until 2003 when an injustice by the elders was the last straw that broke the camel's back so to speak - at least for me. I didn't even realize there was a " here " JWN that is - until my wife in the spring of 2007 told me about it . I had already been out of the witnesses since 2003 and didn't want to HEAR of anything about witnesses. But she explained that I'd learn perhaps things I didn't realize or know about the witnesses and it was like a big support/information group . Boy was she right! I've really enjoyed my stay here and plan on contributing as long as I can to helping people think free ! I've benefitted tremendously from this board

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Very, very scary at first.

    Ridiculous now that I look back on it.

    I remember that "Live Help" was up and running at the time when it was JWD.

    Scully helped me with something, I can't remember what.

    I thought I was talking to the Devil himself.

    And I was a forty-something year old man.



  • jaguarbass

    When I ended up where I am here wasn't even here. There was no internet. 1976 saved me from the tower.

    And I had to search tiny shelves in far away bookstores for books like "30 years a watchtower Slave", and then I

    started to communicate with various authors and found "comments from the friends" which today is a web

    site but back in the early 80's it was a news letter.

    I was on fire for the tower from 73 to 75 then Brooklyn pissed on me and put the flame out.

    Come to think of it they pissed on everybody but some peoples flames didnt flicker they must have been


    hydrogen instead of thinking.

  • truthseekeriam

    Never in a million years! Was scared out of my mind when I was registering I think I backed out twice before I finally went for it. I'm so glad I did, so much here has helped me through some very dark days

  • theMadJW

    Of COURSE I did- as soon as I FOUND it!

    I LOVE hearing all the excuses- and seeing what new deceptions can be dreamed up; it's RECREATION!

  • Satanus

    No, i kept good wt company, good associations and all that. Now, after being out for over 10 yrs, i ask how i could have gotten into that? I was raised in, no choice.


  • mrsjones5

    I knew I wasn't going to stay on the inside of the bOrg.

  • ziddina

    "Come to think of it they pissed on everybody but some peoples' flames didn't flicker - they must have been burning hydrogen instead of thinking..."

    JaguarBass, don't you mean methane instead of hydrogen...

    I DA'd in the early '80's - sure wish something like this had been around then... I did it 'cold turkey' ... No outside support - other than a semi-self-supporting job - whatsoever.



  • dig692

    I thought that if I ever even considered looking up a site like this that my computer would spontaneously combust!

    But now I think to myself, why didn't I come here sooner? Oh well, glad I'm here now.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    No... but after reading for a while i started to notice those that leave are not "crazed animals with horns" we are good people and just trying to enjoy life like God intended us to live... the word apostate is so ingraned that even after not believeing it was hard to look up anything anti - JW but so so so glad i did!!! lol to all of you!

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