Holy spirit making its first mistake

by stillin9 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cantleave

    Decline, you will be compromising your values. i couldn't go on as an Elder, I was worried about following their rules.

  • Satanus

    The holy spirit has made a lot more screw ups, thousands, going by the pronouncements of wt corp heads and popular protestant preachers. Holy spirit doesn't need satan. It/he does just fine, all by hisself.


  • dgp

    Have you thought that maybe the're offering this because they have noticed something has changed, but can't pinpoint exactly what, and are giving you more responsibility so you stay in?

  • zoiks

    Don't accept. Your conscience will not leave you alone, and they make it difficult to "step down" once you're in.


  • sd-7

    Well, as a double agent myself, I can see the dilemma. At most, what you're getting is the job of "assistant sales manager". I'm not sure you'll have access to any new, useful data. If you're nervous about this, I can think of only one easy way to decline, which worked for me back when I actually believed it. But that all depends on how much embarrassment you're willing to endure for it. Falling back on the uh, 'self-abuse' problem could work. But if you're uncomfortable with that, just respectfully decline.

    I thought being an MS would be a great honor once. Now I see that it's nothing. You gain nothing by doing that unless your plan is to become an elder and thus get access to the book that only elders get. If that's not your plan, you're better off backing away from that, as humbly as possible. they'll want you even more if you're humble/obedient/give an appearance of loyalty. So that can backfire, but...just look for some non-embarrassing excuse to not accept it. I'm sure there's one out there in the WT Index.


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