Holy spirit making its first mistake

by stillin9 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    I would try to decline it. However, if they will not take no for an answer without going off on you, and they give you assignments without your permission, I suggest dogging those assignments. If you do a p*** poor job on purpose, they will think twice before giving you any more assignments.

  • leavingwt
    This really puts me in an uncomfortable situation though, what would you do if you were in my situation? Being aware of the truth about the truth, should I tell them that I am not yet ready to serve as a MS or should I accept the offer and see what's on the other side of the wall?

    If you tell them that you're not ready, they will ask for details. Prepare your "details". It is inconceivable to them that you wouldn't want additional privileges. They will assume that there is wrongdoing on your part, preventing you from accepting.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    The HS is therefore seen as operating or appointing in the sense that it is the force behind the spelling out of the requirements, the force behind the changes in living which the candidate has carried out, and the force working or influencing the elders during prayer.

    You are presenting the WTS take on this correctly. However, it always seemed to me the explaination never really made sense because of the highlighted portion. Either the HS is "speaking" to the elders in the sense that it is moving them to appoint or not appoint or its not. Sure, saying that if the person meets the qualifications in Tim & Titus (plus the extra qualifications from the WTS including 10 hrs in service, commenting at meetings, etc) is in a way being appointed by HS is fine with me. It's the whole, "let's pray over it to get Jehovah's direction" that seems to me that at least implies to the rank & file that HS had the final say.

    There's also the whole "the branch also prays over the appointments" issue which adds even more validity that the WTS claims divine appointment for even elders & MS. Clearly, its to reinforce their local authority (disagreeing with the elders can be seen as disagreeing with Jehovah). But, they back off that claim when it's evident that they've made a mistake.

    BTW, many clergy and layclergy in other Christian denominations will often say they were "called" into their ministry, meaning the HS moved them to service. So, I'm not arguing that the WTS is alone in claiming divine direction in selecting religious leaders.

    The best argument the WTS can come up with on this issue is to point out that Judas was selected by Jesus to be an apostle and look how that turned out. Of course, it is said that Judas started out good and that Jesus didn't make a mistake. But, I've known several situations where men were appointed elders and at the same time doing things that would get them df'ed (such as having sex with a pioneer while someone was on a "long" RV to someone not his wife, he was a MS at the time and was soon appointed as an elder).

  • cameo-d

    The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Truth.

    When you know what is true and you go against it, THAT is what blaspheming the Holy Spirit is all about.

    By even remaining in this organization, you give the appearance that you uphold it and approve of the teachings.

    So, now that you know what blasphemy (grieving) of the Holy Spirt really is..... maybe this will help you decide.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Being aware of the truth about the truth, should I tell them that I am not yet ready to serve as a MS or should I accept the offer and see what's on the other side of the wall?

    Regardless of what you have heard, MS's don't really learn anything "on the other side of the wall." Elders only tell them what they gossip through their wives and friends anyway, and don't take them into confidence on matters beyond that. MS's are just expected to take on more responsibilities in congregation matters and talks from the platform and taking the groups out in service.

    Refusing the responsibility raises eyebrows, so be brutal with yourself. Try telling them "I don't manage to read the assignments before the meetings" or "I enjoy some violent movies" or "I don't enjoy field service, I would rather go golfing." Tailor it to your life and their existing knowledge of you.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Being a MS is HORRIBLE. Unless you can fast-track it to elder you want no part of it. I've been one for years and it sucks.


  • PSacramento

    Well, the HS appointed Ray Franz as an annointed, as a pioneer, as one of the writers of the "aid to bible understanding" and as a member of the Governing Body.

    And then he was dissfelloweshiped and branded and apostate !

    That wacky HS, always playing games with the WT !

    LOL !!

  • Honesty

    The other side of the wall is a mushroom farm.

  • VoidEater

    Do you really want to be working toward sustaining and expanding a krazy kult?

    I'd need serious moneyz for that.

    And there's not enough moneyz in the world to make me serious about that!

  • dig692
    The other side of the wall is a mushroom farm.

    OMG that made me laugh so hard!!!!

    I would think twice about accepting the offer. Should you decide to step down later on down the road and they announce it to the hall everyone will think you must have done something wrong and will avoid you like the plague!

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