A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too

by EndofMysteries 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    Yes, EOM, many of us HAVE read those books, and they have been discussed @ length on here. So there goes your claim of "superior knowledge". I would highly suggest you not get in a battle of wits w/ the posters Farkel, Leolaia or Narkissos. You'd be unarmed.

  • beksbks
    How do you explain something your 100% sure about, without the other one taking it the wrong way.

    Here's a hint, when speaking about such subjects, how can anyone be "100% sure"? We will never know.

  • HintOfLime

    I really hope a few I can really talk to and relate are here. So far quite dissappointed from what I've seen.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, your majesty. I spent 5 years studying god, the bible, religion, and science, and you know what I discovered?

    I discovered that I had wasted 4 years by studying god, the bible, and religion. Science is a school of establishing small reliable facts - things we DO KNOW - and then building up upon them. It is the art of building a sturdy base of knowledge from humble beginnings.

    God, the bible, and religion, on the other hand, is the art of making huge assumptions without any foundation. It is an art of stacking cards, and then trying hard not to sneeze, as it were.

    I made my choice, based on what is reliable, factual, verifiable, and reasonable. I'm so sorry if that disappoints you.

    Or in other words: "LIME THINK UNLIKELY YOU RELATE HERE. MANY 'EDUCATED' PEOPLE HERE." (Yeah, it's a low blow against someone that's no-doubt trying their best, but I don't like being talked down to from ignorant people who know nothing outside of an old superstitious, racist, sexist book, and who cannot write in complete sentences.)

    - Lime

  • beksbks

    EoM, methinks you are driving yourself crazy unnecessarily. If there is a god, and he is the kind and loving god most would like to think him, then he will give you a break for being human. If he's the nasty bloodthirsty god of the bible, oh well, we're screwed.

  • jeremiahjs

    Yes, i am new here too, email is [email protected] write anytime. God bless!

  • jeremiahjs
  • jeremiahjs

    Remember, love, faith and truth, LOVE is the greatest of these. With enough love we can lack faith and truth and still find salvation. Always keep an open mind and test and reprove your faith. God will reveal all His secrets when He returns to his slaves from his vacation from creating all the creations. The bible never went to an eight day, only prophesized about Jehovah's Day.

  • beksbks
    God will reveal all His secrets when He returns to his slaves from his vacation from creating all the creations.

    Huh. Where would God go on vacation?? And who has been watching those darn slaves? They'll run away any chance they get. Or at the least sit around not performing their slavely duties. Singing and playing homely instruments, and creating whole new genres of great music.

  • sooner7nc

    EoM, I love the fantasy/science fiction genre, and two of my favorite authors are J.R.R. Tolkien and Terry Brooks. Now these two authors, who lived on different continents, and to the best of my knowledge didn't know one another, wrote very similar tomes. Their stories were interspersed with dragons and elves, orcs and dwarves, and a whole host of similar characters. There was also the main quest or journey or whatever, that the primary character/s, were being sent on. The main storyline I guess you could say. These storylines were often virtually identical in their basic points, good versus evil, black versus white, etc.

    The point I'm trying to make is this. You and I both know that Tolkien and Brooks were and are great writers, at least in my opinion. We both also know, I beleive and correct me if I'm wrong, that if we were somehow magically transported 4000 years into the future, and came across a man who proclaimed that " Yes brethren, it is so obvious to me, and I am 100% positive, that the writings of the true Messiah Tolkien and his Disciple Brooks, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the authenticity of each others writings is the true gospel! And, that Sauron, or as he's called by some Brona, is the chief enemy of all Elvish people, and shall be cast down by the power of the Ring of Shanarra!" that we would both loudly and vociferously say that everything he said was bunk, that it was simply the melding of two good stories and shouldn't be taken seriously.

    Am I wrong? What about the fact that he beleives deep within his soul that what he teaches is real? Are we bad if we don't beleive the same way?

    Another thing I wish to take offense with is your statement that most on here have reverted, backslid if you will, into some sort of debauched terrible lifestyle. How dare you say that based on some "Naughty or Nice "thread? How dare you say anything for that matter?

  • beksbks

    Frodo lives!!

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