Evil lying Manipulators OR Captive Duped Slaves Duping Others (or some of both)?

by OnTheWayOut 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    In the case of the WTBTS, the GB is neither. They are captives because where can THEY go? Their entire lives are dependent upon that Harlot. But they are not duped. They know it's all a lie... regardless of what they tell one another... and those who revere them.

    They are not evil, lying manipulators, per se; they are worse in that they KNOWINGLY ALLOW the evil, lying manipulation of the sheep... by OTHERS.

    They would, then, represent the corrupt temple priests... who ALLOWED the self-appointed scribes (WT writers) and Pharisees (self-righteous non-anointed "leaders" - elders, COs, DO's, etc.) to evilly manipulate the Law to bind and enslave God's sheep... because of their thirst for "power."

    They are, then, the "hired man"... one who was given a task (to PROTECT the sheep from the wolves)... and thus, position/power... but who ABANDONS the sheep TO the wolves.

    The "wolves" are the writers ("scribes")... AND implementers, pushers, supporters, and advocates ("Pharisees") OF such writings... the WT, AW, and other WTBTS publications... who use them to "snatch" and "scattter" the sheep.

    I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • DNCall

    To get around the contradiction that they are not inspired but yet are "spirit led," I believe the following scenario has been invented: When the GB meets, they pray for the holy spirit to guide them. To the extent they are following the direction set forth in the spirit-inspired Scriptures, they can be said to be "spirit led." However, since they are also imperfect, there will be times when they fail to fully discern what the Scriptures are saying.

    This is the same rationale used to explain why someone appointed by spirit to be an elder can cover up his wrongdoing and still serve as an elder. Of such a person it is said that he can be regarded as spirit appointed to the extent he lives up to the Scriptural requirements for elders.

    So, when adjustments are made, even major ones and reversionary ones, it is credited to a more complete understanding of the Scriptures. This would include acknowledging, if only to themselves, that they were wrong in the past.

    Their keen, albeit mistaken, sense of stewardship over the "Lord's belongings" forces them to avoid anything that would jeopardize the process of protecting and adding to those belongings. Hence the non-disclosure of information that would damage their credibility as stewards.

    Their captivity to a concept and their being victimized by victims governs the Governing Body and molds their conscience. Had honesty and love of what is right governed, they would have either made sweeping changes, admissions and apologies, or they would have closed up shop altogether.


  • flipper

    OTWO- I do believe that 90 % of the GB are lying , evil manipulators. And the 10 % that aren't are going along with the others out of fear of reprisal. An element of conceit, lawlessness, and treachery hasn't been touched on enough I believe by previous posts. For instance :

    The fact that for years the WT society covered up child abuse , even DFed one of it's own Bethel members Barbara Anderson for exposing many child abuse cases which had been covered over with elders abusing witness children - yet maintaining their positions - WHILE THE WT SOCIETY KNEW about it. Also the WT society current policy on elders reporting child abuse FIRST to the Bethel legal office , not police officials. It shows THEIR priorities " take care of WT reputation , not protecting children. " And the settling out of court 16 child abuse cases and putting a " gag order " on JW victims so they couldn't talk openly to the media about their abuse ? Sounds pretty evil to me.

    Also- In Ray Franz book " Crisis of Conscience " the appalling way the WT society insisted Malawi witnesses die and not sign a political party card - yet hypocritically allowed brothers in Mexico to sign up for military service to promote WT interests . Evil and bloodguilty by their unjust policies.

    Another thing - The blood transfusion teaching. Many witnesses have died over refusing blood for what reason ? Because old deluded men in New York who think they are " God Jehovah " themselves tell them to refuse blood . It's disgusting.

    I could go on all night- but yes they are bloodguilty , yes they know they are controlling people by their scam, and no they are NOT duped - they know full well the $$$$ that they are bringing in with this scam of 7 million people.

    Also, as a side note, and this is just my opinion, I think the GB members are being controlled by higher financial powers at the top of the WT society OVER THEY THEMSELVES , perhaps some of the big wig corporate WT attorneys who have financial fingers in the WT pie. I don't think the attorneys believe what the GB teaches either. The organization has become more corporate and less religious as years go on. I believe the men at the top are all in this scam together. Just my 2 cents

  • AllTimeJeff

    It is my belief that many of the GB do not believe at least some percentage of current JW dogma. I also believe they are well aware that they have millions who are really invested in it and for that reason, must keep up appearances.

    So they might do it for some kind of weird "good" reason, but at the end of the day, I do think they know their crap does stink.

  • diamondiiz

    Russell was a businessman moving assets so his wife wouldn't get her share when the divorce came, there had to be something disfunctional in the marriage from the start that they were to refrain from sexual relationships. Russell most likely believed some part of his wierd ideas at least until 1914 and afterwards may have just continued on as not to look as a fool to his following. Rutherford, was a truely evil man and maybe even learned Russell's true beliefs at the end of Russell's life that their beliefs were bogus and Rutherford chose to take power and abuse it for his own good. As little is known about the presidents that followed it can be assumed that they with the rest of GB know there are lies taught but are kept secret as unspoken matters. GB is made up mostly of old men who are not well educated and by the time they enter that position must feel like they're owed something by the society thus they continue with the crap and adjust teachings that will make r&f understand why the end hasn't arrived yet. I view them as truely evil men, not on the same scale as Stalin but in that that they hide the truth from others and continue advancing the idea of preaching this garbage to the public and outlawing free bible discussions. Dumb & dumber is their motto as they reason that higher education is bad, good living is bad, free thinking is bad and only brain dead dubs will make a paradise earth for they will follow the gb off the cliff if need be.

    With being as old as they are the question is where do the lawyers fit into the picture and what do they gain out of it as I can't imagine them not getting something material out of it. Can they honestly be that dumb that they ignore the facts that they must have seen many times before tham how wts hurts peple and how it lies to so many good people? I don't get it but I do curse the day I came upon wts BS!

  • HappyGuy

    I have my opinion about this based on the financial wealth of the WTBTS and all of its interconnected legal entities. Several years ago I produced a balance sheet for the WTBTS. This was right after I had concluded that their writings are evil. The next logical conclusion for me was to answer the question WHY? Why would someone purposely write such dishonest, misleading, evil literature in the name of serving God? Like someone said "Follow the money".

    Anyway, I first made a chart of all the legal entities that can be traced to the WTBTS. This wasn't easy. The web of interconnected ownership is extremely complex and the true owners are very well hidden/obsfucated.

    Next, I researched the publicly available sites like Edgar for stock purchases.

    Next, I made a list of all the real estate holdings that the WTBTS will admit to. Later I found out that they own much more real estate than they admit to. Stories in the New York newspapers revealed the true nature of their real estate holdings.

    The WTBTS is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. And they have a cash flow that is mind boggling. Figure. Publishers are "encouraged" to "place" 10 WT and Awakes a month. That is the quota last time I checked. And they are guilted into giving two donations for the magazines. First, they have to make a "voluntary" donation when they pick up the magazines, then they have to guilt the householders into make another "voluntary" donation to support the worldwide work after they have given the householder the magazines for free. (No, I am not making this up.) So, figure $20 a month for magazines per publishers. Many publishers buy much more than 20 magazines a month, they don't place them all, I'm not sure what they do with them, but they are guilted into donating to cover the cost of purchase. 7 million JWs x $20 = $140 million PER MONTH.

    Now, publishers are admonished from the platform to make "voluntary" donations in the contribution box. I usually tried to give about $100 a month. I'm sure many JWs give a lot more and many a lot less but I think an average of $100 is about right. So, 7 million x $100 is $700 million. Now we are at $840 million per month. Assemblies are a huge money maker. Are they still running the scam where they tell the facilities managers that parking will be free at the assemblies but then they force the publishers to buy "tickets" for parking, oh with voluntary donations no doubt, ahead of time or they can't park at the assembly facilities? Do they still have 3 assemblies a year? So, figure 10 million attending 3 assemblies a year, that is 30 million and figure $20 a head in donations and whatever latest scam is being run. That is $600 million.

    Now, we haven't even talked about people putting the WTBTS in their wills, or elderly JWs donating their assets in trusts. No one kmows how much this adds up to but say that 1% of the JWs donate $50,000 a year in these special ways, that is 70,000 x $50,000 = $35 million.

    I saved real estate transactions for last for a reason. I distinctly remember a district convention from the mid 80s where the WTBTS was patting itself on the back about a new brother who had been invited to Bethel. I mean the dude was baptized one day and in Bethel the next day. Not as a worker, high up in the leadership. The bragging was over the fact that this new brother had been one of the top real estate sales people in New York and he turned down a $1 million dollar bonus offer from his company in order to resign and go to Bethel.

    Now, soon after this the WTBTS went on a buying spree in New York city. they bought up huge tracts of waterfront property, warehouses, multi story buildings, apartments, etc. The real estate market in New York ctiy was depressed at this time, they got a lot of bargains.

    I never put these two links together till much later. 1. The best real estate person in New York city gets batized. 2. A few days later this person is invited to come to Bethel. 3. The WTBTS goes on a buying spree and makes some VERY shrewd purchases.

    The WTBTS sold most of this property at the top of the market. No one knows for sure how much they got in total. they lie about the actual number of properties involved. I think the number is over $1 BILLION. Now they have announced that they are selling out of New York city nad moving lock stock and barrel to the country. Well, knowing that one of the best real estate brains in New York city is at Bethel now we know why they would do this.

    Oh, if you ever want to see what the "new system" will be like, you really need to visit the neighborhoods near the WTBTS buildings in Brooklyn. Those neighborhoods are totally lifeless. The buildings are drab, dull, USSR Soviet style architecture, one architect called them "landlocked ships", and there is no activity in the neighborhoods. The businesses that are near the HQ struggle because the JWs spend NOTHING. You never see the JWs out and about unless they are rushing to work another shift. They illegally put 7 people in apartments meant for 2. The people who live in the areas around the WTBTS holdings despise the WTBTS.

    New York reporters were tracking the real estate dealings of the WTBTS for a while but I don't think even they could pierce the veil of secrecy and the web of legal entities that obsfucates everything the WTBTS does.

    So, what are we up to now? Income of $840 million a month from donations. $600 million a year from asemblies. $35 million a year from idiots putting the WTBTS in their wills and the elderly setting up trusts for the WTBTS. Income from real estate dealings. > $1 billion.

    The WTBTS will argue that they need this money for the "worldwide work". But what are their expenses? Practically ZERO. When a congregation builds a kingdom hall the WTBTS actually makes money on it. The workers at the various institutions don't get a salary, you might as well say they work for free. The WTBTS pays no taxes. This multi billion dollar income per year is NET income.

    Now, I haven't even got to the part that is going to make your head explode, or as Glenn Beck says "make bloood shoot out of your eyes". Corporations have stockholders. If you go back to the corporation that Russel set up, Russel arranged it through his bullying that out of the 50,000 people who were elgible to own stock, only 50 actually did. These 50 stockholders still exist. Not the original people of course, but the stock has been transferred through the years. Transferred to who? No one knows. These 50 stockholders control the "society". And they control the immense wealth of the WTBTS. Now the GB will argue that they changed the charter of the WTBTS of New York in 1944 so that there are no longer any stockholders. And that is true, sort of. But the New York corporation is not the controlling interest. The original corporation set up by Russel is the controlling interest, and that corporation has 50 shareholders.

    It is these people who are behind the lies, the propaganda, the brainwashing. And no one knows who they are. Isn't that creepy?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    fantastic figures and research.

    someone once said, "the best way to make money is to start your own religion"

    I used to do the accounts for our congregation. Every month we would send all the spare money off to support the 'worldwide work', never questioning just how it helped or where it went. I conjure up images of the money rooms in casino's. Cash flowing through chutes like water.

    Russell started it, Rutherford inherited it, Knorr perpetuated it. It got bigger and bigger and bigger and richer and richer and richer.

    I dont think god was ever with them, sure some of the early teachings and ideas may have been more correct than the rest of Christendom, but then, to start a new religion you need some new ideas to attract the disinchanted. Russell was right, religion is a snare and a racket! Boy did he know it and the WBTS has milked it for all its worth ever since.

    deliberate, yes. Cold, yes, uncaring, yes. Greedy, yes. Evil, yes.

    i have only been researching for a week and already i know more about the 'organization' than i did in all my years on the inside.

  • Hopscotch

    wow - amazing post HappyGuy

    I have felt for a while that there are people controlling the WTS who we know nothing about. Would love to know who those stockholders are.


  • MidwichCuckoo

    WOW Happy Guy...ta for posting!

  • carla

    Thanks Happy Guy! marking

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