What is the WORST witness social function you went to and WHY?

by creativhoney 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    One sister had several of us over for dinner. Every course was natural, with no meat. Dessert - sugarless. She called it a new system dinner. It was terrible. Everyone lied and said it was great.

    One bro told me later if this is what the food is going to be like in the new system, he doesn't want any part of it.

  • freedomisntfree

    Even the worst was never that bad the food was always great if i was bored i just sat in a corner and stuffed my face(no i wasnt a fat child) lol but one that was kind of horrible was when i was 14 or so they had a bible dress up party and i just wore my usual clothes and makeup and chewed on painkillers all nite and if anyone asked me who i was supposed to be i said jezebel.It got a little scarey for my drug addled mind eventually.

  • cattails

    Went to a pioneer dinner put on by the Service Overseer whose wife cooked a turkey dinner where the turkey was just about raw.

    They loved the raw meats, both of them on some high protein diet, the turkey was barely warm and dripping with pink juice.

    I almost threw up. Only ate the dessert brownies and carrot cake. After the turkey I could barely keep that down.

    Uggh, I just threw up a little in my mouth just thinking about that night.

    Retch shmetch kvetch!

  • Prov1320

    A sister who lost her husband many years ago invited a few of us to a dinner party at her house. Apparently her husband use to tell a bunch of jokes. In his absence, she had all his jokes written out, and was reading to us one by one each joke. It was a grueling 2-3 hrs... none of us could think of what to do... at least in order to be polite! The worst part about it was that the jokes weren't even funny, and the delivery was abysmal. I felt sorry for her, because she obviously misses her late husband.

  • Satanus

    I was best man or on the wedding party a lot. I've been in enough weddings for this life.


  • WTWizard

    It was Christmas 1991. I was invited to spend Christmas Eve at one of our book study conductor's place. Well, they had company from a foreign country (which I will not disclose to protect privacy and to make the hounders' work harder). I spent the book study there, and there was pizza after. Then, it was bed time--I ended up sleeping on the floor in the kids' study room.

    Next morning, it was snowing. It was a general light-to-moderate snow, which was just enough so the father had to go to work to shovel snow. That stopped us from going out in field circus that day (Christmas morning), but we did do a drive to the A$$embly Hell, and then to an empty Kingdumb Hell. All in all, it was a complete waste of a Christmas Day--though it would have been even worse without that snow because I would have had to go out in field circus that morning.

  • babygirl30

    My own engagement party!!!!!!!!

    It was a straight up MESS...my exfiance and his family had a 'LIKIN FOR THE LIQUOR' and so at OUR party, my then to be husband spent more time chillin with ihs boys at the bar getting DRUNK then he did with me greeting our guests. Looking at the pics with me, dude is darn near mean mugging. But in pics with his boys....he was all smiles, drinks in hand, etc. It was EMBARASSING!!!

    Not to mention that in HIS families "speeches" to wish us love and happiness (blah....), they pretty much described how much of a BUM he is and that they never thought he would get married let alone find someone like ME! - hahahahaha. It was an obvious slap in the face.

    YES - they were all JWs.

  • TD

    I agree with LadyLee. The worst JW social function(s) are their funerals.

    Normal people attend these functions to show respect for the deceased and the surviving family and accordingly, regard them as somber occasions.

    Not the JW's.

    They jostle, giggle, laugh, talk loudly about weekend plans and sporting events going in and going out.

    They turn the service itself into just another JW meeting with noisy page flipping of Bibles to scriptures that every Christian should already know by heart.

    I avoid all JW social functions when I can, but their funerals really make me twitch.

  • babygirl30

    Oh...just thought of a nother one!

    I was in my girlfriends wedding, and she had sent out all the invitations and was already getting response cards back. well, her fiance was this grown arse loser that blew through money like water...so when it came to paying for the reception, he had to break it to her that he didn't HAVE the money!!! They literally had to UNINVITE over 100 people. In the end, only 70 people were actually invited to the reception (which ended up being at a restaurant in their lil banquet room, which her sisters paid for as a gift).

    So wedding starts, I come walking out down the aisle, and there were only about 25 people there. NEVER in my life have I seen THAT little people at a wedding in the Khall. I'm talking about hardly ANYONE from our cong even came...they must've all been THAT upset over being univited to the reception that they boycotted the entire thing. I felt SOOO bad my friend. Needless to say, she does not visit that cong at all since!

  • Nowman

    It was our own goodbye party for mom, dad, & me. Reason why we were moving was because I was 17 years old at the time, and a 32 yr old MS approached my parents and asked if he could put in an apartment when I turned 18, then evenually marry. That day when he asked my mom and dad (I was at a JW volley ball party) about it, my dad put the house up for sale.

    Everyone knew at the goodbye party "why" we were moving, I did not do anything wrong, never kissed him, never slept with him, etc...but many people did not treat us the same, or me for that matter.

    It was horrible, and scandelous actually, ha ha to it now thinking about it!


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