Are YOU Shunned By Jehovah's Witnesses At All?

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I get an occasional uncomfortable look but no official shunning yet

  • Hopscotch

    My so called best friend started shunning me 3 years ago - before we had even fully faded. I have one JW friend that still phones me from time to time and others I bump into usually say hello.

    However my entire JW family has been totally shunning me (and my husband and son) since January this year after we were given an ultimatum by them to go back to the meetings etc or they would cut us off. We didn't so they did. Even though we were a close family and I thought that would never happen, the brain washing/mind control overrode the family thing.

    Yesterday was my 50th birthday, and even though we never celebrated birthdays as JWs, my sister, my mum when she was still alive and from time to time, my dad, would comment on my turning such and such an age. A happy birthday in a roundabout way. So yesterday I was in some sort of expectation that maybe my sister might email or text something, but no, not a word. That really rammed it home to me that they have really cut me off and as my father told me in our last phone conversation in January, as far as they are concerned I am dead.


    PS - My husband and son put on a little birthday thing last night for me which was lovely. My first birthday celebration at 50. I DESPISE THE WTS.

  • LouBelle

    Nope I'm pretty much shunned.

    An old Dub lady would still greet me as she lived in my block of flats, lately though when I greet her she's been ignoring me.

  • AgentSmith

    Those JW's who know my point of view, yes. Not DF or DA, so if I bump into a JW from my old cong they greet as per normal ...(This however, does not happen often)

    My family know my position and shun me quite nicely thank you. My sister, BIL, and their contact. My parents, they say nothing even when they are in Cape Town visiting their mates. (they live in Johannesburg)

    My in-laws, they phone on the odd accasion. I cannot recall if they did recently..maybe 6 months ago.

    Agent Smith

  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist


    After I DAd myself in 2003, I'm shunned all the time when I pass by any JW's known to me, although I usually try to acknowledge them, as I was brought up to be respectful and polite. Their vacant, embarrassed, blank look used to annoy and irritate me, but now I find the whole JW shunning stance just plain stupid! Perhaps, I'm glad in a way, as I have nothing in common with them, anyway.

    Of more concern to me is that none of my 8-10 former JW 'friends' acknowledge my existence, although I'd be happy to speak with them, given the chance. My JW wife sometimes passes on to me after she's endured another CA or DA that 'so-and-so' was asking for you, which I find a bit strange - why not just call me up and ask ME?

    If this is the price of freedom from the nasty cult, it is a price well worth paying.

    lifelong humanist

  • fokyc

    YES, I am 'shunned' by the elders and their families of my wife's cong. Not by other elders or sisters!

    I am NOT d'fd or d'assed although the local elders have told other elders that I am; at Circuit Ass's etc

    I apparently have NO record card! although communications with Branch cite Brother fokyc


  • AwSnap

    Nobody calls me from the congregation, which is completely fine. But if I see them around town, they are veRY friendly. I think they think I may still come back, even though it's been many years since I've faded.

  • minimus

    Can you imagine Christ seeing any one of us and refusing to look at us? Can you imagine Christ treating us as if we didn't exist, and were dead?

  • AGuest
    Can you imagine Christ seeing any one of us and refusing to look at us? Can you imagine Christ treating us as if we didn't exist, and were dead?

    In light of John Chapter 9 (and particularly verses 34 and 35)... I would have to say... nope, can't imagine it.

    Peace to you, dear Minimus!

    A slave of Christ,


  • bigwilly

    I was going to say also that the only dubs that would shun me locally would be ones that saw me flying a middle finger and hissing as I passed their Khall (I do this every time I pass one, kind of like holding up a cross for vampires)

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