Are YOU Shunned By Jehovah's Witnesses At All?

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonny60

    I am not even a Witness and a very good friend of mine who is, doesn't even talk to me.

  • VoidEater

    My parents do not.

    No one on my mother's side shuns me (though all my cousins on that side are clearly not part of God's organization ;-) ).

    My father's side of the family hasn't spoken to me in decades - let's see, about 24 years - except:

    My father's mother spoke to me on the phone last week, briefly. This is the grandmother who while a staunch JW would call me and wish me happy birthday the first ten years of my life. Now I'm roughly 50 and she's 92. It's a curious event and I'm not sure what it means (if anything) yet.

  • asilentone

    some of them shun me.

  • Satanus

    Don't know, i never see any. Hey, wait a minute>:|


  • Casper

    I have a very distant family member that I see once a year at a family reunion, last year she was was all hugs and laughing with me, this year... cold shoulder.

    I honestly can't remember the last time I seen any witnesses from my old hall around town, it's been years, wonder where they've all gone ?


  • joelingeorgia

    I am shunned by all witnesses except my immediate family and they talk to me only

    under certain conditions.

  • chickpea

    the ones to whom i was closest
    see me as the walking dead...
    10 years of book study hospitality
    on our part seems to account for nought

    the ones i can barely recall by name
    will greet me and insist on awkward
    attempts to initiate a conversation....

  • Hiding Questioner
    Hiding Questioner

    Good question..because you don't necessarily needed to be DFed to be shunned. In fact, the concept is so well ingrained in JW minds that anyone, with a strong enough personality, can develop a "cause" that promotes the widespread shunning of an individual that can succeed over long periods of time, nevermind any history of JW "faithfulness" or family. Case in point is the shunning success of my now JW ex-wife, who has, based on lies and fabrications, managed to have my JW extended family and so-called JW friends shun me for almost 20 years when, all that time, I have been well liked by others and have maintained myself as a witness "in good standing".


  • tenyearsafter

    I haven't seen any of them since I left except family...and they still find ways to rationalize talking to me. Once in a while there will be a JW at my Mom's house when I come to visit her and they have a huge pregnant pause as to how to handle the situation. No one has shunned me...they usually say a polite hello and then "beat feet"! LOL

  • undercover

    Most treat me politely enough, though a few have shunned me from time to time. It's rare enough that it stands out as strange when I'm shunned.

    That's not to say that those who don't shun me, run up and hug me and express great love for me. It's more of an attitude that they have to be polite and friendly. There is an uneasiness in the air. With some it's fear. They don't want to know why I left. It might make sense and then where will they be? I think many dubs are afraid of what they might learn if they actually took the time to investigate their beliefs. They'd rather have someone tell them it's all good and hope for the best.

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