Does the Watchtower KNOW they are using mind control techniques?

by finding my way 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gerard

    Does the fish know it swim? Does the bird know it fly?

  • wanderlustguy

    They have to be very aware of how much money they are making.

    They are aware when they alter publications from original printing to bound volume.

    So yea...I think they know.


  • OnTheWayOut

    We have Ray Franz' words and the words of a handful of ex-Bethelites. It seems they know they are using manipulative techniques. The books on dangerous mind-control did not come first as a guidebook for cults. Cults came first. In more modern times, they have slowly learned the things that work. It is up for endless debate, but I think the men in the ivory tower convince themselves that total disclosure would not be prudent and that they have to mistrust the members to do the right thing. They think they need to protect the organization above the individuals for their own righteous reasons.

  • Awen

    IMO "the ends justify the means". So they think that they will use whatever methods are available to them to keep the organization "Pure" and anyone who questions their motives are questioning God, because they are God's Annointed Ones. Right? Interestingly enough, a recent WT article brought to my attention that the GB considers all the Annointed Ones not of the GB to be mistaken and that sincere JW's shouldn't listen to anything they might say if it's in opposition to what the GB says.

  • GLTirebiter

    I can't say if they know what they are doing, but I do say that anybody in a position of power and authority has an ethical duty to aware of their actions and the ensuing consequences for those who trust them. If a doctor doesn't investigate symptoms and effective treatments in medical texts and journals, if an attorney defending a client does not read the statutes and precedents applying to case, they are committing malpractice. Like doctors and lawyers, religious leaders are making decisions with serious impacts on those who trust them. By seeking and accepting a position of authority, they are assuming the duty to act responsibly in their expert role. The same civil laws may not apply to religious leaders (First Ammendment, etc.) but the ethical principles are no different.

    It doesn't matter if the GB, DO, CO, and elders realize they are using mind control control techniques. What matters is that they are doing so, that those techniques have serious consequences for the rank and file, and that it is the obligation of every leader to carefully avoid practices harmful to the followers. Ignorance is not an excuse for those in authority, rather it is evidence of negligence.

  • freydo

    The Calf-Path

    by Sam Walter Foss
    (NH 1858-1911)

    One day, through the primeval wood,
    A calf walked home, as good calves should;
    But made a trail all bent askew,
    A crooked trail as all calves do.
    The trail was taken up next day,
    By a lone dog that passed that way.
    And then a wise bell-wether sheep,
    Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep;
    And drew the flock behind him too,
    As good bell-wethers always do.
    And from that day, o'er hill and glade.
    Through those old woods a path was made.
    And many men wound in and out,
    And dodged, and turned, and bent about;
    And uttered words of righteous wrath,
    Cause 'twas such a crooked path.
    But still they followed - do not laugh -
    The first migrations of that calf.
    And through this winding wood they stalked,
    Because he wobbled when he walked.
    This forest path became a lane,
    that bent, and turned, and turned again.
    This crooked lane became a road,
    Where many a poor horse with his load,
    Toiled on beneath the burning sun,
    And traveled some three miles in one.
    The years passed on in swiftness fleet,
    The road became a village street;
    And thus, before men were aware,
    A city's crowded thoroughfare;
    Each day a hundred thousand rout,
    Followed this zigzag calf about;
    And o'er his crooked journey went,
    The traffic of a continent.
    A Hundred thousand men were led,
    By one calf near three centuries dead.
    They followed still his crooked way,
    And lost one hundred years a day;
    For thus is such reverence is lent,
    To well established precedent.
    For men are prone to go it blind,
    Along the calf-paths of the mind;
    And work away from sun to sun,
    To do what other men have done.
    They follow in the beaten track,
    And in and out and forth and back,
    And still their devious course pursue,
    To keep the path that others do.
    They keep the path a sacred groove,
    Along which all their lives they move.
    And oh how the wise old wood gods laugh,
    Who saw the first primeval calf!
    Ah! many things this tale might teach -
    But I am not ordained to preach.
    Since then three hundred years have fled,
    And, I infer, the calf is dead.
    But still he left behind his trail,
    And thereby hangs my moral tale.
  • finding my way
    finding my way

    What a nice amount of responses since I left for work :) These are all wonderful comments. Thank you everyone.

    GL Tirebiter said :It doesn't matter if the GB, DO, CO, and elders realize they are using mind control control techniques. What matters is that they are doing so

    You are right about this, and I liked your doctor analogy. If one believes in the Bible, it's made clear that we should not follow anyone that is throwing about their sheep and mistreating them. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make JW's see clearly whats happening to them.

    Awen said : a recent WT article brought to my attention that the GB considers all the Annointed Ones not of the GB to be mistaken and that sincere JW's shouldn't listen to anything they might say if it's in opposition

    I've always wondered about that.. the fact that only a few of the annointed are running everything when there are so many partaking with several points of view and some are "GASP" female!

    On the Way Out said: they have to mistrust the members to do the right thing

    This is one thing that stuck out to me awhile back. It seems they have no trust in any of the "flock" to make a good decision about ANYTHING. Nt even how to wear their hair or whether or not to wear panty hose etc. It's sad.

    Love the Poem Freydo. I especially like this line:

    For men are prone to go it blind,
    Along the calf-paths of the mind;
    And work away from sun to sun,
    To do what other men have done.


  • ninja

    stop talking bad about my leaders......


  • moomanchu

    They think they need to protect the organization above the individuals for their own righteous reasons.


    J ehovah

    O rganization

    Y ourself

  • OnTheWayOut

    On the Way Out said: they have to mistrust the members to do the right thing

    This is one thing that stuck out to me awhile back. It seems they have no trust in any of the "flock" to make a good decision about ANYTHING. Nt even how to wear their hair or whether or not to wear panty hose etc. It's sad.

    I did not need to read any book by any former member or cult expert to recognize that (eventually). I wish I recognized it sooner, way sooner.
    WTS decides that a certain dance or hairstyle or slacks for women are wrong. The New Testament's hero challenges the authority of the pharisees. WTS decides what should take place in the bedroom between a husband and wife. The New Testament forgets to mention that.

    Any group that takes such bold control over the lives of followers must take bold steps to insure such control.

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