Other Points From the Annual Meeting

by jabberwock 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Regarding #2 - There was a recent WT "study" article that encouraged JWs to do good for others in practical ways. It was maybe 2 months ago or so (I don't remember the actual date). I can look through my (non-highlighted) WTs and see if I can find the quote.

    If they were to maybe change the definition of service/ministry to include doing good for others, my guess is that it would be entirely to help keep their not for profit, tax free, status. You could meet at the KH on Sat mornings and break up into groups that would work on specific projects and report time spent. I know a bunch of pioneers that work at RBCs that get to count that time towards their annual hourly requirement so the concept isn't that radical.

    I'd bet they'd actually get a lot more participation and those hours spent would actually benefit more than just the gas stations and coffee shops that current field service does.

    Regarding #1 - I agree this would be a drastic departure from their current interpertation of Matt 13 but really, when did that ever stop them???

    I see #1 as happening. #2 I think is the best idea they've come up with in years and therefore not one that will be implemented. If it is done, then at least the community would see some benefit.

  • sir82
    If they were to maybe change the definition of service/ministry to include doing good for others

    I really don't see that happening. Once you start viewing "the world" as something less than the enemy, you begin to develop feelings of concern for them, and the idea of a vengeful Jesus riding up and shooting flaming arrows through the eyeballs of 8 year old girls is not so appealing any more, even if it would you get to pet your panda sooner.

    "The world is passing away and so is its desire..." and all that. If you tell JWs to build soup kitchens and develop a "habitat for humanity" type project, that implies the world is not passing away so soon after all. If you think JWs lack zeal now, just imagine what would happen then.

    Nope, not going to happen. At least not with the current crop of GBers.

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Number 1 is quite interesting. Where does it leave the "churches of Christendom" and their members if they are not included in the weeds? I can't see this doctrine sticking long term. It almost appears to be a fabricated opportunity for the GB to run another fear mongering campaign about the evil apostates. TM

    My take on number 2 is that it's either: a) lip service only - nothing will change; b) an attempt to counter the public perception of JWs (in developed countries, at least) as a group that contributes NOTHING to society; c) an attempt to grow the membership indirectly, by impressing potential converts with acts of "love" (READ: love bombing).

  • OnTheWayOut

    Don't ever overlook the obvious. In the past, they wanted members to do what made WTS rich- sell literature. Well, now the literature is "placed" at no charge and the "householders" and the JW members are not contributing so much for it. They had warehouses full of the stuff and those warehouses were emptied and the Brooklyn warehouse was sold. Their money comes from District Conventions and donations to the worldwide work in anyway separate from the literature.

    Literature "placement" is a burden to WTS, so they have to go back to the Ray Franz definition of good works. They are considering "counting time" in doing good works for neighbors not "in the truth." Imagine the excited members who can put on their jeans and dig post holes for their Catholic neighbors fence instead of knocking on doors.

    It also is a new way to still show some kind of growth in the hours and number of pioneers, and to get men's hours up enough to "qualify" for greater privileges.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    sir82 - you crack me up! I agree that I have a hard time seeing that but I also had a hard time believing they would cut out the CBS. If they are getting pressure in a few western countries (I'm thinking the EU here and not the US) about demonstrating they deserve their tax exempt status, you can bet your last dollar they will do whatever it takes to keep that status.

    Remember how quickly dropped the set pricing on literature after Swaggert lost his court case?

    It is all about the Bengies baby!

    Now, there's no way in Hades they would even consider doing this without a real threat to the NFP status for the reasons you state above.

  • blondie

    They tried that already in their definition of sacred service which was changed back.


    w76 10/1 p. 598 par. 9 Rendering Sacred Service Night and Day


    "Sacred service," then, is not something that occupies only a portion of our lives. It is not limited to just one activity or a certain number of activities but it takes in every aspect of our daily living. It can be summed up by these words: ‘Keep doing all things as unto Jehovah, whether eating or drinking or doing any other thing.’ (1 Cor. 10:31) Showing how all-embracing this service should be, the apostle says at Romans 12:1, 2: "I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. And quit being fashioned after this system of things."

    Husbands and wives can render "sacred service" by making their marriage successful and an honor to God’s institution of marriage. A man or a woman may be very kind and pleasant to others, patiently putting up with mistakes or even suffering indignities and injuries from them without retaliation. But when it comes to the marriage mate, a husband or a wife may be quick to anger, ‘reading between the lines’ of what the mate says, with a ‘chip-on-the-shoulder’ attitude, looking for an occasion to find fault. Or the couple may cut off communication with each other. No matter what other things a married person may do, he or she is not fully rendering acceptable "sacred service" to God if he or she ignores the sacred marriage covenant.—Eph. 5:22-25, 29.

    Housewives have a fine opportunity to perform acceptable "sacred service" to God. Their fine works that others can see would certainly include keeping a neat, clean house, taking care of the cooking and the clothing needs of the family. For what is more on display to others than one’s home? A wife’s hospitality, her readiness to help her neighbors, particularly her willingness to ‘put herself out’ to assist other sisters in the congregation in whatever their needs may be—these are sacrifices in which God is well pleased. When people know these things about her, then her public declaration of the good news in the congregation territory will have a more powerful influence.—Acts 9:36-41; Titus 2:4, 5.

    If children in the household are concerned with rendering "sacred service" to Jehovah they can show respect for their father and help their mother in bringing honor to God by helping them to keep the house in good, clean order. And where parents are not in the truth the children can do much in this way to cause the parents to honor God. Their conduct before schoolmates, respect for teachers, telling others about the good news when opportunity affords and working closely with the congregation in things done at the Kingdom Hall and sharing in the field service, certainly are things God counts as "sacred service" to him. (Prov. 20:11; Titus 2:6-8) A good test of your service, as to whether it is true "sacred service" or not, is the question you might ask yourself: ‘Do I go in the field service, perhaps carrying Bible literature to others?’ That is commendable. But, now, also ask yourself: ‘At school and elsewhere, what is my conduct? Do I do what worldly youths do? Or do I remember that I am to render "sacred service" to Jehovah night and day?’ You, like others, can do much to interest people in the good news by your daily conduct and fine attitude.

    Christian elders are also called on to serve night and day. Part of your "sacred service" is on behalf of your brothers, caring for their spiritual needs. To the elders of the Ephesus congregation, the apostle Paul could say: "Therefore keep awake, and bear in mind that for three years, nightandday, I did not quit admonishing each one with tears." (Acts 20:31) Your brothers today need your help no less than the brothers in Ephesus needed help back in the first century.

    Can you do what Paul did, serving day and night? Paul’s words do not necessarily mean that he spent every minute in talking or preaching. No, for in Acts 20:34 he goes on to mention how he worked with his own hands doing secular work so as to attend to the material needs of himself and of those laboring with him. In fact, in writing to the Thessalonians, he said: "Certainly you bear in mind, brothers, our labor and toil. It was with working night and day, so as not to put an expensive burden upon any one of you, that we preached the good news of God to you."—1 Thess. 2:9.

    Paul, however, having a clean conscience and a right motive in his secular work, could make this part of his "sacred service" to God harmonize with his God-given commission by proclaiming the good news with great boldness and zeal.

    By 1980

    *** w80 8/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Does this "sacred service" mean simply ‘living a good life,’ being a fine example in raising and providing for one’s family, keeping the house clean, applying oneself at school, and so forth? Hardly, for the Israelites did such things over and above the sacred service that Jehovah commanded them to perform.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    OTWO - I didn't think about that aspect but am in complete agreement. I have to believe that they are still making some money on literature or they wouldn't print it. But, I'm sure their margins have been drastically reduced and they need to find a new business model.

    I do think that more men would participate. Ever been to a KH clean-up day just before the memorial? It's usually held on a Sat morning. Every one I've ever been to has been 1)well attended, 2) everyone is in a good mood, 3) there's usually a nice social aspect to it with food, coffee and 4) there are always WAY more men present to do the handyman work & outdoor work than there EVER is for a Sat morning service group (with the exception of when the CO is in town). And, everyone can feel like they were doing God's work and not feel guilty about skipping service.

    It's a win-win but I think that's probably why the WTS won't do it. Although, I really never thought they would give up a meeting night either.

    This would be a nice fit if they wanted to Mormonize.

  • Farkel

    Why don't they merge two ideas into one: "show love to apostates!"


  • greenie

    Regarding #2: I remember I was SHOCKED when I learned that a religious organization performed NO humanitarian/charity work, and even more SHOCKED when I learned that if they did it was for JWs only and the reason they didn't do it for others was because the world would soon in. Such a thick feeling of not giving a crap exuded from that mindset that I knew this was something I didn't want to be involved in. If any of you have it, I would L-O-V-E to see the scriptural basis for that one.

    The even better, richer part of this, if it is in fact a change to the aforementioned practice and JWs actually start working in soup kitchens, etc., is that none of the active will care that this policy changed and they'll just see it as new light or as nothing that different at all. That's the part that drives me nuts. There's nothing complicated or scripturally confusing about whether you should help those in need (as compared to the 1914 business, generation argument or the #1 mentioned in this post) whether they are your faith or denomination. It shouldn't have taken them 100 years to figure this out, but I'm sure it will just be noted and moved on from. Ugh.

  • greenie

    Sorry! Meant to say "because the world would soon END"

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