What is the Biblical basis JWs are not allowed to 'witness' in churches?

by isaacaustin 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Is this it, Isaac?


    w51 6/15 p. 384 ‘Spoiling Their Pastures’ ***

    Some colored people of Winnabow, North Carolina, whose Methodist preacher speaks to them only once in four weeks (he having three other "churches" to look after) requested that one of Jehovah’s witnesses speak at their church. Arrangements were made for one Wednesday evening at 7:30, and 47 came to hear. In view of the scattered population this was good. The one giving the lecture reports:

    "All were very attentive during the entire discourse. Before dismissing them a few prominent men wished to speak to the audience. It being their ‘church’ and since I was but a guest, I agreed. One rose, faced the audience and told them that he had never heard so much of the Bible explained in one hour in his whole life, and that it was all true. He said that he couldn’t understand why their preachers hadn’t told them of these things and why they didn’t ‘explain the Bible so we could understand it’, as this talk had done for them.

    "Another man rose and said that during the talk he was thinking about all the different religions and how none of them explain the Bible like Jehovah’s witnesses and that he has come to the conclusion that Jehovah’s witnesses were the only ones that were right.

    "Another elderly man pointed out that he had gone to church many years and that this was ‘the best Bible sermon that I ever heard, and the first one I’ve been to that was free’. He added that he had learned more from this free sermon than from the ones he had to pay for. Their preacher had to be guaranteed so much money before he would preach. One friendly lady spoke up: ‘Dat’s right, No money, No preacher!’ All voiced their approval of what was said, expressed their appreciation, and invited us back to give some more talks. It has not yet been ascertained as to what was the reaction of their ‘hired preacher’ to this activity in ‘spoiling his pasture’."

  • isaacaustin

    good point OUtlaw, a dfed person is allowed contact for necessary business...Jesus is not given such an allowance in dubland.

  • isaacaustin

    Yes Blondie. Are you that good?? LOL How do you do that!? haha


  • snowbird

    Outlaw, I appreciate your pointing that out to me, but I can' t help but think of the following words of Jesus.

    Matthew 15: 12 Later his disciples came and told him, "Did you know how upset the Pharisees were when they heard what you said?"

    13 -14 Jesus shrugged it off. "Every tree that wasn't planted by my Father in heaven will be pulled up by its roots. Forget them. They are blind men leading blind men. When a blind man leads a blind man, they both end up in the ditch." MSG

    Isaac, I was not attacking you. Your love for Christ shines like a beacon.


  • isaacaustin

    I am sure I had posted my childhood and present life in relation to the org before, perhaps not? Either way, I have never claimed I was ever a baptized JW. Below is my experience (sad, lonely but certainly not the worst of experiences compared to many here):

    I was raised in from the age of 3. My dad came in the late 70's and was zealous from the start. My mom was not strong but went along with him for the sake of peace…getting bapt in later 80's. It was all I knew…I went door to door every Sat and Sunday, as well as Weds during the summer. I was also different from other kids, obviously...and had no friends. I was picked on excessively, and at the same time did not fit into any cliques at the hall. I always felt like I was not doing enough so that was the reason I couldn't fit in. I was an unbaptized publisher at this point, and getting baptized was my goal. Then in high school (age 14/15) I started making friends. Of course my dad saw this and tightened the reins on me...pushing me away from 'the truth'. At that point my dad, and 2 elders met with me due to my disobedience as well as getting in some minor trouble at school. I was asked if I still wanted to be an unbapt publisher to wich I snarled "NO". This was 1990. I pretty much became atheistic for the next 14 or so years. BUT I still had fear in my mind of the end. I counted how old the generation of 1914 was...76...77...78..and it put a damper on my life...until...11/95. At that time I did not realize it was a false prophecy...but it simply told me no one knew when the end would come and to get on with my life...of course...years later I researched the org and found lies, false prophecies, flip flopping teachings...false doctrines. I became a Christian in 2005. In years ealier I marrried had an inactive JW who became active again around that same time I came to Jesus and we have been up and down since. We have 2 kids.

    It took me years to get my self-image to respectability due to never really having friends, feeling like I was not doing enough to serve the jehovah of the WT, and being picked on by others for being different. I am fine now, I really am. I enjoy talking to others...helping others...

    Any questions, feel free to ask me here or via pm.

  • isaacaustin

    Sylvia, I agree on the blind leading the blind..my words are meant to call the BS so onlookers will know the org is not as certain posters advertise.

  • snowbird

    (((((((Isaac Austin)))))))

    Understanding is every thing.




    You are such a good person..


    I can`t feel sorry for Angel Eyes..

    Everytime she gets pulled up by the Roots..


    Finds herself in the Ditch..

    If it did`nt bother Jesus..

    Why should it bother me?..


  • PSacramento

    Because Christianity, at the time, was basically a "reinterpretation" of Judaisim and all the early apostles were Jewish, they could go into a synagoue and were within their rights as Jews to read from the sacred texts and comment on them, which is what they did.

    Afterwards people who agree or even disagreed, would follow them for further discussion, maybe even invite them to their homes.

    This was standard fair, there was no "door-to-door canvassing", the NT is explict in the deatils of their preaching:

    Public - Synagues, marketplaces, yards, hill tops, beaches, etc.

    Private: In the homes where they were invited.

  • snowbird

    I believe Angel Eyes knows, deep inside, that the WT doesn't have a leg on which to stand.

    She's simply trying to convince herself.

    I played that game for the longest time, but the cognitive dissonance was killing me.

    I think it's doing the same to her.


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