Has President Obama Disappointed You?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • donny

    Good God, he has only been in office just over 9 months! Let's give him and his administration some time to determine whether or not it is good for the country. However, it has been my experience over the years that the person who occupies the White House has little to do with the economy of the country, although they are blamed if it faulters and praised if it perks up.


  • mrsjones5

    Look, folks been ragging on Obama even before he got in office. They don't want to give him a chance. Nothing that he does will ever be right for them. They want him to fail just to feel better about him being in office. Poor babies.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I believe that he's doing the best he can with what he inherited from the previous administration. I am happy he's my president.

  • sammielee24

    The Olympic thing is an embarrassment to him, I think. The world doesn't look at him or his opinions as all that special.


    I disagree. I feel that the world is not against Obama...it is still reeling from the impact of past Bush policies in aggression/war and finance and for those reasons the USA is no longer top dog in the eyes of many countries and their people. The beacon of honesty and truth and opportunity is very dim now and I think it has nothing to do with the current president, but more to do with the USA status in the world. For the first time in about 50 years, more people are leaving the USA to seek employment and opportunity in other or their native countries, than are coming into the country. Obama has only been in office less than a year and he is trying to change the perception of those people....it takes time.

    Has he disappointed? His policies haven't but I am disappointed that he has not taken hard and fast action on education, healthcare, war and energy.


  • kurtbethel

    He is exactly the president that America deserves, so he meets my expectations.

  • jaguarbass

    We got rid of Bush and McBush. Now unless Obama gets in gear we will get rid of Obama.

    Healt care is not the issue.

    Jobs and bringing back jobs and industry to America is the issue.

    As far as I can see Obama is lost in the woods on Jobs and bringing back industry to America.

    Politicians are like diapers they need changing often.

    I hope somehow he comes to see the light.

    Because the working person in America needs someone to represent them.

    But you dont get to be president with out having your strings pulled by big business and

    the bankers.

    Thats why we got Obama and not Kucinich or Ron Paul.

    Obamas got strings.

    I say health care is not the issue.

    Because you need a job to eat and pay the rent.

    If you get sick or hurt you get free health care.

    But if you dont have a job and cant pay the rent you are on the street.

    I know several people who did not have health, care got sick or injured and got free health care under Bush.

    People not having jobs is what makes health care expensive to begin with.

    Those who have jobs and health care are paying for those who dont have jobs or the health care

    that comes with a job.

    Screw China, Russia, India, Mexico.

    Bring the jobs back to the USA. and the benefits and health care.

    Its called tariffs.

    The politicians and our government representing the US people need to make

    it unproffitable for a company to produce a good outside of the United States and

    try to sell it in the United States.

    They need to place tariffs on imported goods, and services.

    That would include call centers in India and the Philipines which have taken many US jobs.

    But they are not because they are all crooked and on the take.

    And if Obama doesnt get with it soon.

    You can conclude he is crooked and on the take.

  • JimmyPage

    What blows my mind is seeing a man addressing the needs of the country he presides over instead of dropping bombs on camels.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I did not vote for him. I thought Hillary was the "man". I thought Obama was too green but I have changed my opinion. I voted republican because I thought that the 1st president after Bush would inherit the worst vile economic enviroment and get lushed out as a 1 termer. I was half right/half wrong.

  • leavingwt

    Last night, the folks at SNL poked fun at Obama's track record, thus far. . .


  • Jazzbo

    Nope, I expected massive corruption, serial lying, unprecedented secrecy, disastrous foreign policy, betrayal of allies, pandering to enemies, monumental historical ignorance, destruction of the economy and a constant chorus of "I". He has delivered on all counts.

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