We are switching halls...

by cognac 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    I think that means that we are going to go to even less meetings and just generally have less to do with the JWs because the hall we are at now is where all his friends are... Unless somebody tries to take him under his wing and screws everything up...

    Btw, this was his idea. Thoughts?

  • out4good3

    Sounds like he's in Pre-fade mode.

  • cognac
    Sounds like he's in Pre-fade mode.

    What's that?

  • parakeet

    I was hoping the switch was from a Kingdom hall to a beer hall, but can't have everything.

  • leavingwt

    This will make drifting away much eaiser, in my opinion.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Pre-fade would be "About to fade." Many of us have faded from "the truth" instead of just stopped cold turkey or DA'ed or DF'ed.
    All it means is that we reduced our activity in the recruiting and meeting attendance with the goal of ending both.

    It is called fading because it is done slow enough that nobody in the congregation is supposed to get alarmed at the "gradual disappearance."

    Some never manage to entirely fade. They go to some meetings, perhaps just the memorial. Some people have family or other ties that prevent them from deciding to totally stop going.

  • cognac

    ohhh, thanks OTWO... We already do miss a lot of mtgs though... I think my parents are already on to us though, they keep asking if we went... Some Elder or someone must have said something to them...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Most fades eventually get noticed by family. Keep doing it anyway. The fade part is coming just often enough to the hall that the elders don't bother you too much, then coming less and they are already giving up on you.

  • cognac
    Most fades eventually get noticed by family.

    That stinks cause my family are not the types to let go of things...

  • superman

    If I can give you any advice as I am now on my 3rd year of the Fade (And trust me it was hard since I was in it DEEP). You have to start by making some friends outside of the hall (or as I call them REAL friends). Once people in the hall find out that you are hanging out with worldly people they slowly shy away from you (but it's still good because you can't get DF'd for this). Plus it's good because as you get more friends outside of it, you become less dependant on the hall, and thus miss it less (at least that helped me).Then when it comes to elders trying to take you under their wing (as they did with me), you just have to be too busy for them. What worked for me was that I would sometimes actually agree to meet with (usually it would be something casual like for a family study, lunch, or service) then I would purposly cancel last minute ("Oh, I know we made plans but I'm going to have to cancel as I forgot I had already made plans with someone else") After a while I got a rep as being unreliable and since most of them hated having their time wasted, they stopped trying to invited me out for encouragment. Then you have to slowly stop entering field services time and the rest will come in line . GOOD LUCK with the fade!!!

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