Have you called your mother lately?

by beksbks 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Blondie, I am stricken by your post of your childhood experience. I am so very sorry... and I am so grateful you have risen above it.

    Love to you.

  • RR

    My mom died June 2nd , 2008. But she was dead some five years prior, alzheimers stole her memory, and then her life. She didn't even know who I was.

  • Gregor

    RR. That is a hard one. Sorry for your loss and the circumstances of it.

  • kurtbethel

    My mom has been in the seance club, but I still have an aunt and she hears from me regularly.

  • LouBelle

    My mother and I have had our ups and downs. She was pretty young when she had me and well preferred going out than staying home and looking after a lil one. I spent a lot of time with my gran/gramps & aunt. Eventually my mother moved out of home and I remember nights when she was gone out the whole night. At 6 years old, I'd lock up the flat and go to bed on my own. My mother would be knocking at the door at 7 and scream at me that I'd locked her out. Anyway the early years through to teenager years was difficult - she was toxic and I pretty much came off second best at every turn.

    We eventually had a blow out when I was about 24. From then I let the past go and decided to just get on with my own life. By that stage my mother had fallen out of the faith, though she thought it was still the truth. We still had a relationship and I still saw her now and again. Then when I decided to make my stand at 29 and leave the faith - she was there by my side - she was a lot more supportive and loving. We both got disfellowshipped together. Our relationship has improved dramatically - we still have our disagreements now and again, but overall we get along great.

  • GoddessRachel

    Wow, LouBelle, what a story! You are incredibly strong! I am happy for you that you and your mom have an overall good relationship now. That's wonderful.


  • lisavegas420

    I called my mom about 5 months ago. I wrote about it here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/173085/1/I-called-my-mom

    I thought I'd call her again, but as of yet, I have not.

    Just can't' bring myself to do it...not yet.


  • chickpea

    my old battle axe's ashes have probably settled
    to the bottom of the pacific ocean a decade ago...
    alcoholic, physically and emotionally abusive...
    good times! miss you, mom...

    led by example tho, that one did...
    showed me what life would be like
    if i became bitter and brittle....

    must be doing something right...
    my 16 YO told me i am his best friend

  • trebor

    Well over a year ago my mother along with my siblings told me never to contact them in any manner unless I came back to the organization. Nonetheless, my mother is excellent at being a mom to young children.

    Once her children become preteens and older (Especially adults), she does not know how to cope and adjust. Regardless, I still love and try my utmost to respect her. However, she tried literally to choke my brother-in-law after he told her to stay out of their business (Meaning him and his fiancee - My sister). She also believes to this day my father should have literally thrown my brother-in-law down a flight of stairs because of it. She has verbally and emotionally attacked my wife prior to our marriage and during. For the most part she treated me well, except when it came to relationships/friendships of mine outside of the family. She has too much of a controlling and manipulating nature which is done in a passive aggressive way. I blame that on her past and of course the example set by both the actions and teachings coming from the Watchtower Society. Decades of their indoctrination is more than ample to screw people up further by burying their problems on the notion that everything is "temporary" along with other notions and philosophies I have heard her lean upon thanks to the ideas put forward in the Society's publications.

    She came from an abusive household in which both of her parents were alcoholics. Her oldest living brother basically took care of the family and essentially had in her mind that should be my role as well. My father sadly also came from an abusive household in which his father also left the family when my father was 8 or 9 years old.

    They both were in their teens when they married and I was born when my mother was still a teenager and my father was in his early twenties. The religion is essentially my mother's whole life. There were a few times I recall when she started having doubts, but unfortunately I was still under the cult control of the Watchtower and convinced her to wait on Jehovah the organization.

    Not surprisingly, they were ideal candidates for this cult. An ideal scenario for joining cults is those in their mid teens to mid twenties and has emotional baggage/problems from broken homes or an abusive past. My father is/was still talking to me (somewhat), but it has been awhile since we last spoke. I think he is between a rock and a hard place with this scenario and deep down knows Jehovah's Witnesses aren't "the truth", but also understands how deeply entrenched my mother is and all the ties they both have to it being a part of it for so many decades. There was much cognitive dissonance in the discussions on his part when we had both face to face conversations and on the phone.

    Anyhow, sorry for going off on a tangent; Getting back on track...I would like to call my mother, but she already made her stance clear (And actually emphasized it not to long ago). I still have hope for all my family will break free of this cult-like organization. If not, I wish them happiness and hope they lead relatively healthy lives (Which I know is near impossible with the directions from the Watchtower Society).


  • GoddessRachel

    (((((((((((((((Trebor)))))))))))) Don't apologize for going off on a tangent; that is what this place is for. We do understand.

    Sorry your mother is not much of a mother. Good for you for respecting her anyway, that shows health on your part, but don't respect her at your own expense, which you probably already know. You have to take care of yourself. Especially since your mother has shirked her motherly duties of taking care of you in an emotional way.

    No natural affection. Jehovah's Witnesses are fulfilling Bible scripture every day when they choose their religion over relationships with their family.

    The compassion you show for her is evident. I know how hard it is. My mother is like a child. It is important for me to accept that. That doesn't mean it's super easy every day. One day at a time. Like you, I believe my dad knows deep in his heart it must not be The Truth; however, he has made his choice, to stand by his wife. I have to respect that. It's not easy to do.

    Thanks for speaking on your experiences,


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