How Can Someone Who's Multiple-Chemical Sensitive Find a Paying Job?

by Spike Tassel 39 Replies latest jw friends

    I am on a limited income medical pension (Asperger's, multiple-chemical sensitivities, sleep dysfunction), and don't have the constitution to handle debt. So a "good job" for me bears this in mind. Ideally, I'd work
    my home computer, where I can control the environment better......Spike Tassel


    Idiots that Diagnose "themselves" with Medical Disabilities..

    Do not get a Medical Pension..



  • yesidid


    What is your problem?

    You seem to get pleasure out of being nasty to people.

    BTW as you have said, it is not a good idea to self diagnose.

    You probably need a very experienced shrink.

    I do hope you find one soon, and s/he can help you.

    It would certainly make coming on this board more pleasureable.




    Are you aware that Spike claims to have an endless list of diseases he diagnosed himself..

    This board has been very patient with him because he cliams he is disabled..

    Now we find out.. He diagnosed himself as disabled..

    Before you run your mouth..Find out what is going on..


  • yknot

    What are your 'special interests'?

    I read awhile ago most Aspies do best in computers and academic fields (researching or other intensive requirments to detail)

    There are several books......

    "How to Find work that works for people with Asperger Syndrome" by Gail Hawkins

    "Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism"Grandin, Temple; Duffy, Kate; Attwood, Tony

    Asperger Syndrome Employment Workbook: An Employment Workbook for Adults With Asperger Syndrome" Meyer, Robert N; Attwood, Tony

    Interesting sites....

    Spike go back to school...... one course at a time if necessary!



    Spike diagnosed himself with Aspenger Syndrome..LOL!!

    This is crazy..

    Does anybody read a thread before they post?

    I know I don`t always..


  • mraimondi

    interesting how demeaning some people turn out to be.... when they loudly proclaim someone ELSE is in violation of the rules when they themselves are taking an impossible to misinterpret stance in constant defiance of the rules.

    but, cliques and judgment seem to persist here as they did in the borg.

  • Nostromo

    I dont understand why people would make fun of ill people ("self-diagnosed" or not, some illnesses today are so complex and unknown that they are always not so easy to diagnose anyway, like it might be with MCS or CFS for example)


    The crazies are out tonight..


  • brinjen

    Have a look and see what's out there. Lots of opportunities to work from home on the net. Bit of advice... if they ask for money up front... RUN!

    But seriously, do you have any artistic talents? Lots of sites where you can upload artwork for t-shirts etc... get paid a commission based on how many of your designs are sold and most of those sites are free.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    The Medical Pension is based on certified "right temporal lobe brain injury" (from a car crash I was in when I was 20), "very erratic sleep" (from what I understand to be damage to the sleep control at the base of my cerebellum), as well as "front parietal lobe malformation" and "multiple-chemical sensitivities" (due to one-month prematurity).

    In addition, what I understand now to be a life-long case of Asperger's has been variously guessed medically as ADHD, labile mood disorder, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and schizotypal personal disorder, depending on how the Asperger's was manifesting due to the circumstances and diagnostics used at the time. Medication was tried when I had depressive symptoms, but my eyes turned hard and the Head University psychiatrist at the time said that it was a precursor to glaucoma and blindness if not stopped in short order. So, I cannot be medicated, which I understand to be typical for someone with Asperger's.

    I spend my time working computer programs such as here on JWN, e-mails, as well as family tree programs. Computer programming appears to be completely beyond me, although I have changed a lot of the use of my family tree program, and would have a lot more changed if I knew how to move it from being Visual FoxPro 7 to something like Unicode-compatible so it can accommodate Czech and Turkish, Russian and Greek, and even Arabic, Hebrew, and Sinograms, etc. Although my preference would be a modular composition system that could switch from one transliteration to another at the touch of a button. I just don't know how to implement my ideas for that.

    I am safest at home with my home cooked meals, reference library, and the specialised chairs and bed I require. Sometimes my ideas must go on being written down for quite a few hours without a sleep break, other times I'm up only a couple of hours and need to sleep again already.

    My personality cannot handle the detached group learning situation of a college or especially a university. I woud even benefit more if congregation meetings were down in writing like on JWN so that I could ask for the proper clarification.

    Going into debt is now out of the question. I don't have faith in paying money back, when the money's not guaranteed.

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