looking at knives

by John Doe 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm thinking of a big pig sticker for general household use. Any opinions? What do you think of this one?


    I want something that sharpens easily, holds an edge long, is pretty, is cheap, and is balanced well.

    I also looked at this one, but didn't bid.



    The Bowie Knife looks like a better quality knife..

    I like to see knives in person..


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You get what you pay for, this is my next knife


    This is a wave action folder. I'll bet you I can get it out and open quicker than you can get yours out. Check out "wave shaped feature " in the video links

    I have two other emerson knives that I love, they go everywhere I do.

    D Dog

  • mrsjones5

    What kind of household use? Hubby has a few of those kind of knives but I've never seen him use it around the house. Maybe I'm missing something. Suggest uses for that kind of knife, I'm really curious.

  • Gregor

    I agree with Jonesy. Who's kidding who. Household use.

    This what you really want, if you've got the cajones. Also, not as messy if you have to use it.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Mrs. J, haven't you ever watched Rambo? lol Actually, I use my carry pocket knife all the time--opening packages, carving stuff, cleaning and trimming fingernails, cutting meat, you get the picture.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Knives are kind of like guns, you can never have to many.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Looks neat deputy, but if I'm paying that much for a knife, it's going to be a handmade one.

  • jeeprube
  • jeeprube

    That's the knife I carry.

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