Lawrence Hughes will not give up!

by Dogpatch 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    For newcomers to this board, search Lawrence Hughes for the threads on his story.


  • carla

    All the best Lawrence!

  • donuthole

    I read through the documents -- can someone tell me if I got the gist of this ?

    Mr. Hughes is appealing to the Canadian Supreme court to decide if it was a conflict of interest for the Society's lawyers to act on behalf of his wife and daughter, while at the same time receiving room, board, finances from the Watchtower. He is challenging that the Society's lawyers' primary obligation and interest was in the Watch Tower Society and therefore they were not impartial in providing legal advice to Bethany Hughs.

  • nelly136

    wasnt there talk of dedicating a magazine article to her as well if she died? did they ever do that article? or am i confusing bethany with someone else?

  • Mary

    The one thing I'm vastly confused on is: Wouldn't Bethany have died anyway? Isn't that why they stopped the blood transfusions? Or have I been misinformed?

  • JoJoJones

    Yay, Lawrence, the more power to you!!!

  • JoJoJones

    To me, the WTBTS's allowing transfusions of blood fractions but not whole blood seems kind of sly and sneaky. It's a face saving tactic - - of course, I emphasize that this is how I see it. Allowing fractions while not permitting whole blood has a legal motive to help the WTBTS cover themselves in the event of lawsuits over the blood issue. Lawsuits falling like avalanches!! Which the WTBTS deserves!

  • Uzzah

    It is going to be interesting what the Supreme Court decides to do with this case. It is very well laid out.

    Good job Lawrence and congrats on getting representation!


  • jwfacts

    I cannot think of a worse situation than having your child die due to someone else's religious convictions. I respect Laurence for the great effort he has put into continuing his fight against the Watchtower's murderous policies. I hope that his persistence will lead to the courts becoming firmer in preventing religious groups trying to use "faith" as a way of circumventing the law.

  • Uzzah

    Kudos also t6o Frank Toth for stepping up and using his experiences while at Bethel to help Lawrence. Good job Frank

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