The WTS and Frequent Liar Points

by Hopscotch 41 Replies latest social humour

  • Satanus

    We preach good news.



    Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t have "Christmas Turkey Dinner" during the Christmas Season..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s have a "It`s Not a Christmas Turkey Dinner"..Turkey Dinner,during the Christmas Season..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t get caught up in Christmas Celebrations..

    Like "Christmas Turkey Dinner."



  • LucyA

    my fav. Our children don't NEED birthdays we show we love them everyday

  • dudeson

    "indisputable facts", "absolutely and unqualifiedly correct"

    "Instead of it being considered a 'probability,' they read into it that it was a certainty"

    "i made an ass of myself"

  • diamondiiz

    WT$ mostly decieves and it's hard to find them in an outright lie

    "Early bible students 'taught thought that the Lord had returned in the year 1874 C.E'"

    "We never taught that"

    "Some people imagined 1975...."

    "We never said 1975 would be the year"

    "We never said non-JW will all be destroyed"

    "We're politacally neutral"

    "We don't have a pedophile problem"

    "We're none profit organization supported by voluntaree donations"

    90% of what WTS tells about bible students pointing to 1914 as a marked year is a deception to what Russell really taught

  • skin

    "Moving to where the need is greater" - Almost everytime a JW moves to another location you will hear that statement.

    "Babylon the Great has fallen" - This apparently happened in 1918, but in what sense? We are told that it is because "She no longer has a hold on Jehovah's people". I still can not understand that explantion.

    When some JW's see children running around after a (Babylon) church service they are viewed as being unruly and out of control, but when children run around in the same matter after a watchtower meeting they are viewed as being happy and joyfull. This one is more like a double standard.

    diamondiiz mentioned the biggest one for me: "90% of what WTS tells us today about bible students pointing to 1914 as a marked year is a deception to what Russell really taught". I discovered this 10 years when I was 100% following the Watchtower teachings and studying all their books. To me an organisation that claims to represent the true God should not not be telling such untruths to their people. And then if you try to show any other JW this lie (that they still publish), you are then viewed as the deceptive one.

  • reniaa

    how about 'the cross isn't an idol'

    or 1 john 5:7 additions really belong in the bible.

    Or not having the indefinite article in John 1:1 doesn't make any differences to the word theos in translation.

    Or proskuneo only mean religious worship

    Or the bible doesn't condemn (insert any immorality here)

    Or we will give america a health care system - obama

    oops were we just talking witnesses sorry I thought we were going to have a discussion on lying not just a random biased negative witness thread?


  • WuzLovesDubs

    Uh it SAYS WTS Ren...though once again you feel compelled to derail anything remotely negative about this cult...true or not.

    Lets see..... oh yes, if you DONT SCREAM while being raped, then you deserved it and in fact could be disfellowshipped for it. Sodom and Gomorrah getting a ressurection? no...NO! um...well maybe..yes yes they are!

  • brinjen

    "We are the only true christians who follow the bible."

    "We are the only ones who preach the good news door to door."

  • DaCheech

    we don't do child baptism (oops i've seen them baptized as young as 5!)

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